014.001 Alif. Lam. Ra. (This is) a Scripture which We have revealed unto thee (Muhammad) that thereby thou mayst bring forth mankind from darkness unto light, by the permission of their Lord, unto the path of the Mighty, the Owner of Praise,
014.003 Those who love the life of the world more than the Hereafter, and debar (men) from the way of Allah and would have it crooked: such are far astray.
Wa Mā 'Arsalnā MinRasūlin 'Illā Bilisāni Qawmihi Liyubayyina Lahum ۖ Fayuđillu Allāhu Man Yashā'u Wa Yahdī Man Yashā'u ۚ Wa Huwa Al-`Azīzu Al-Ĥakīmu ('ibrāhīm: 4).
014.004 And We never sent a messenger save with the language of his folk, that he might make (the message) clear for them. Then Allah sendeth whom He will astray, and guideth whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
Wa Laqad 'Arsalnā Mūsá Bi'āyātinā 'An 'AkhrijQawmaka Mina Až-Žulumāti 'Ilá An-Nūri Wa Dhakkirhum Bi'ayyāmi Allāhi ۚ 'Inna Fī Dhālika La'āyātin Likulli ŞabbārinShakūrin ('ibrāhīm: 5).
014.005 We verily sent Moses with Our revelations, saying: Bring thy people forth from darkness unto light. And remind them of the days of Allah. Lo! therein are revelations for each steadfast, thankful (heart).
Wa 'IdhQāla Mūsá Liqawmihi Adhkurū Ni`mata Allāhi `Alaykum 'Idh 'Anjākum Min 'Āli Fir`awna Yasūmūnakum Sū'a Al-`Adhābi Wa Yudhabbiĥūna 'Abnā'akum Wa Yastaĥyūna Nisā'akum ۚ Wa Fī Dhalikum Balā'un MinRabbikum `Ažīmun ('ibrāhīm: 6).
014.006 And (remind them) how Moses said unto his people: Remember Allah's favour unto you when He delivered you from Pharaoh's folk who were afflicting you with dreadful torment, and were slaying your sons and sparing your women; that was a tremendous trial from your Lord.
'Alam Ya'tikum Naba'u Al-Ladhīna MinQablikumQawmi Nūĥin Wa `Ādin Wa Thamūda Wa ۛ Al-Ladhīna Min Ba`dihim ۛ Lā Ya`lamuhum 'Illā Al-Lahu ۚ Jā'at/humRusuluhum Bil-Bayyināti Faraddū 'Aydiyahum Fī 'Afwāhihim Wa Qālū 'Innā Kafarnā Bimā 'Ursiltum Bihi Wa 'Innā Lafī Shakkin Mimmā Tad`ūnanā 'Ilayhi Murībin ('ibrāhīm: 9).
014.009 Hath not the history of those before you reached you: the folk of Noah, and (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud, and those after them ? None save Allah knoweth them. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs, but they thrust their hands into their mouths, and said: Lo! we disbelieve in that wherewith ye have been sent, and lo! we are in grave doubt concerning that to which ye call us.
014.010 Their messengers said: Can there be doubt concerning Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth ? He calleth you that He may forgive you your sins and reprieve you unto an appointed term. They said: Ye are but mortals like us, who would fain turn us away from what our fathers used to worship. Then bring some clear warrant.
Qālat LahumRusuluhum 'In Naĥnu 'Illā Basharun Mithlukum Wa Lakinna Allāha Yamunnu `Alá Man Yashā'u Min `Ibādihi ۖ Wa Mā Kāna Lanā 'An Na'tiyakum Bisulţānin 'Illā Bi'idhni Allāhi ۚ Wa `Alá Allāhi Falyatawakkali Al-Mu'uminūna ('ibrāhīm: 11).
014.011 Their messengers said unto them: We are but mortals like you, but Allah giveth grace unto whom He will of His slaves. It is not ours to bring you a warrant unless by the permission of Allah. In Allah let believers put their trust!
Wa Mā Lanā 'Allā Natawakkala `Alá Allāhi Wa Qad Hadānā Subulanā ۚ Wa Lanaşbiranna `Alá Mā 'Ādhaytumūnā ۚ Wa `Alá Allāhi Falyatawakkali Al-Mutawakkilūna ('ibrāhīm: 12).
014.012 How should we not put our trust in Allah when He hath shown us our ways ? We surely will endure the hurt ye do us. In Allah let the trusting put their trust.
Wa Qāla Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Lirusulihim Lanukhrijannakum Min 'Arđinā 'Aw Lata`ūdunna Fī Millatinā ۖ Fa'awĥá 'IlayhimRabbuhum Lanuhlikanna Až-Žālimīna ('ibrāhīm: 13).
014.013 And those who disbelieved said unto their messengers: Verily we will drive you out from our land, unless ye return to our religion. Then their Lord inspired them, (saying): Verily we shall destroy the wrong-doers,
014.018 A similitude of those who disbelieve in their Lord: Their works are as ashes which the wind bloweth hard upon a stormy day. They have no control of aught that they have earned. That is the extreme failure.
'Alam Tará 'Anna Allāha Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Bil-Ĥaqqi ۚ 'In Yasha' Yudh/hibkum Wa Ya'ti Bikhalqin Jadīdin ('ibrāhīm: 19).
014.019 Hast thou not seen that Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with truth ? If He will, He can remove you and bring (in) some new creation;
Wa Mā Dhālika `Alá Allāhi Bi`azīzin ('ibrāhīm: 20).
014.020 And that is no great matter for Allah.
وَمَا ذَلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ بِعَزِيزٍ
Wa Barazū Lillāh Jamī`āan Faqāla Ađ-Đu`afā'u Lilladhīna Astakbarū 'Innā Kunnā Lakum Taba`āan Fahal 'Antum Mughnūna `Annā Min `Adhābi Allāhi MinShay'in ۚ Qālū Law Hadānā Al-Lahu Lahadaynākum ۖ Sawā'un `Alaynā 'Ajazi`nā 'AmŞabarnā Mā Lanā Min Maĥīşin ('ibrāhīm: 21).
014.021 They all come forth unto their Lord. Then those who were despised say unto those who were scornful: We were unto you a following, can ye then avert from us aught of Allah's doom ? They say: Had Allah guided us, we should have guided you. Whether we rage or patiently endure is (now) all one for us; we have no place of refuge.
Wa Qāla Ash-Shayţānu Lammā Quđiya Al-'Amru 'Inna Allāha Wa`adakum Wa`da Al-Ĥaqqi Wa Wa`adtukum Fa'akhlaftukum ۖ Wa Mā Kāna Lī `Alaykum Min Sulţānin 'Illā 'An Da`awtukum Fāstajabtum Lī ۖ Falā Talūmūnī Wa Lūmū 'Anfusakum ۖ Mā 'Anā Bimuşrikhikum Wa Mā 'Antum Bimuşrikhīya ۖ 'Innī Kafartu Bimā 'Ashraktumūnī MinQablu ۗ 'Inna Až-Žālimīna Lahum `Adhābun 'Alīmun ('ibrāhīm: 22).
014.022 And Satan saith, when the matter hath been decided: Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and ye obeyed me. So blame not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can ye help me, Lo! I disbelieved in that which ye before ascribed to me. Lo! for wrong-doers is a painful doom.
Wa 'Udkhila Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Jannātin Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'AnhāruKhālidīna Fīhā Bi'idhni Rabbihim ۖ Taĥīyatuhum Fīhā Salāmun ('ibrāhīm: 23).
014.023 And those who believed and did good works are made to enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein abiding by permission of their Lord, their greeting therein: Peace!
Yuthabbitu Allāhu Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Bil-Qawli Ath-Thābiti Fī Al-Ĥayāati Ad-Dunyā Wa Fī Al-'Ākhirati ۖ Wa Yuđillu Allāhu Až-Žālimīna ۚ Wa Yaf`alu Allāhu Mā Yashā'u ('ibrāhīm: 27).
014.027 Allah confirmeth those who believe by a firm saying in the life of the world and in the Hereafter, and Allah sendeth wrong-doers astray. And Allah doeth what He will.
014.030 And they set up rivals to Allah that they may mislead (men) from His way. Say: Enjoy life (while ye may) for lo! your journey's end will be the Fire.
Qul Li`ibādiya Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Yuqīmū Aş-Şalāata Wa Yunfiqū Mimmā Razaqnāhum Sirrāan Wa `Alāniyatan MinQabli 'An Ya'tiya Yawmun Lā Bay`un Fīhi Wa Lā Khilālun ('ibrāhīm: 31).
014.031 Tell My bondmen who believe to establish worship and spend of that which We have given them, secretly and publicly, before a day cometh wherein there will be neither traffick nor befriending.
Al-Lahu Al-Ladhī Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Wa 'Anzala Mina As-Samā'i Mā'an Fa'akhraja Bihi Mina Ath-Thamarāti Rizqāan Lakum ۖ Wa Sakhkhara Lakumu Al-Fulka Litajriya Fī Al-Baĥri Bi'amrihi ۖ Wa Sakhkhara Lakumu Al-'Anhāra ('ibrāhīm: 32).
014.032 Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and causeth water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you, and maketh the ships to be of service unto you, that they may run upon the sea at His command, and hath made of service unto you the rivers;
Wa Sakhkhara Lakumu Ash-Shamsa Wa Al-Qamara Dā'ibayni ۖ Wa Sakhkhara Lakumu Al-Layla Wa An-Nahār ('ibrāhīm: 33).
014.033 And maketh the sun and the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto you, and hath made of service unto you the night and the day.
Wa 'Ātākum Min Kulli Mā Sa'altumūhu ۚ Wa 'In Ta`uddū Ni`mata Allāhi Lā Tuĥşūhā ۗ 'Inna Al-'Insāna Lažalūmun Kaffārun ('ibrāhīm: 34).
014.034 And He giveth you of all ye ask of Him, and if ye would count the bounty of Allah ye cannot reckon it. Lo! man is verily a wrong-doer, an ingrate.
Rabbi 'Innahunna 'Ađlalna Kathīrāan Mina An-Nāsi ۖ Faman Tabi`anī Fa'innahu Minnī ۖ Wa Man `Aşānī Fa'innaka GhafūrunRaĥīmun ('ibrāhīm: 36).
014.036 My Lord! Lo! they have led many of mankind astray. But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me. And whoso disobeyeth me - Still Thou art Forgiving, Merciful.
Rabbanā 'Innī 'Askantu MinDhurrīyatī Biwādin Ghayri Dhī Zar`in `Inda Baytika Al-Muĥarrami Rabbanā Liyuqīmū Aş-Şalāata Fāj`al 'Af'idatan Mina An-Nāsi Tahwī 'Ilayhim Wa Arzuqhum Mina Ath-Thamarāti La`allahum Yashkurūna ('ibrāhīm: 37).
014.037 Our Lord! Lo! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near unto Thy holy House, our Lord! that they may establish proper worship; so incline some hearts of men that they may yearn toward them, and provide Thou them with fruits in order that they may be thankful.
Wa 'Andhiri An-Nāsa Yawma Ya'tīhimu Al-`Adhābu Fayaqūlu Al-Ladhīna Žalamū Rabbanā 'Akhkhirnā 'Ilá 'AjalinQarībin Nujib Da`wataka Wa Nattabi`i Ar-Rusula ۗ 'Awalam Takūnū 'Aqsamtum MinQablu Mā Lakum Min Zawālin ('ibrāhīm: 44).
014.044 And warn mankind of a day when the doom will come upon them, and those who did wrong will say: Our Lord! Reprieve us for a little while. We will obey Thy call and will follow the messengers. (It will be answered): Did ye not swear before that there would be no end for you ?
Wa Sakantum Fī Masākini Al-Ladhīna Žalamū 'Anfusahum Wa Tabayyana Lakum Kayfa Fa`alnā Bihim Wa Đarabnā Lakumu Al-'Amthāla ('ibrāhīm: 45).
014.045 And (have ye not) dwelt in the dwellings of those who wronged themselves (of old) and (hath it not) become plain to you how We dealt with them and made examples for you ?
Yawma Tubaddalu Al-'Arđu Ghayra Al-'Arđi Wa As-Samāwātu ۖ Wa Barazū Lillāh Al-Wāĥidi Al-Qahhāri ('ibrāhīm: 48).
014.048 On the day when the earth will be changed to other than the earth, and the heavens (also will be changed) and they will come forth unto Allah, the One, the Almighty,
Hādhā Balāghun Lilnnāsi Wa Liyundharū Bihi Wa Liya`lamū 'Annamā Huwa 'Ilahun Wāĥidun Wa Liyadhdhakkara 'Ūlū Al-'Albābi ('ibrāhīm: 52).
014.052 This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that men of understanding may take heed.