Toggle thick letters. Most people make the mistake of thickening thin letters in the words that have other (highlighted) thick letter
Toggle to highlight thick letters خصضغطقظ رَ
Way lun Lilmuţ affifī na
Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)], (Al-Mutaffifin 83:1)
وَيْ ل ٌ لِلْمُطَ فِّفِينَ
Al-Ladh ī na 'Idh ā A ktālū `Alá A n -Nā si Yastawfū na
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure, (Al-Mutaffifin 83:2)
ا لَّذِي نَ إِذَا ا كْتَالُوا عَلَى ا ل نّ َا سِ يَسْتَوْفُونَ
Wa 'Idh ā Kālūhum 'Aw Wazanūhum Yukh sirū na
And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:3)
وَإِذَا كَالُوهُمْ أَوْ وَزَنُوهُمْ يُخْ سِرُونَ
'Alā Yažunn u 'Ūla'ika 'Ann ahum Mab `ūth ū na
Think they not that they will be resurrected (for reckoning), (Al-Mutaffifin 83:4)
أَلاَ يَظُ نّ ُ أُ ولَئِكَ أَنَّ هُمْ مَبْ عُوثُونَ
Liyaw min `Ažī min
On a Great Day, (Al-Mutaffifin 83:5)
لِيَوْ مٍ عَظِ يمٍ
Yaw ma Yaq ū mu A n -Nā su Lira bbi A l-`Ālamī na
The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the 'Alamīn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)? (Al-Mutaffifin 83:6)
يَوْ مَ يَقُ و مُ ا ل نّ َا سُ لِرَ بِّ ا لْعَالَمِينَ
Kallā 'Inn a Kitā ba A l-Fujjā r i Lafī Sijjī nin
Nay! Truly, the Record (writing of the deeds) of the Fujjār (disbelievers, sinners, evil-doers and wicked) is (preserved) in Sijjīn. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:7)
كَلاَّ إِنّ َ كِتَا بَ ا لفُجَّا ر ِ لَفِي سِجِّينٍ
Wa Mā 'Ad r ā ka Mā Sijjī nun
And what will make you know what Sijjīn is? (Al-Mutaffifin 83:8)
وَمَا أَد ْرَ ا كَ مَا سِجِّينٌ
Kitā bun Marq ū mun
A Register inscribed. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:9)
كِتَا بٌ مَرْقُ ومٌ
Way lun Yawma'idh in Lilmukadh dh ibī na
Woe, that Day, to those who deny [(Allāh, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments)]. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:10)
وَيْ لٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ
Al-Ladh ī na Yukadh dh ibū na Biyaw mi A d-Dī ni
Those who deny the Day of Recompense. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:11)
ا لَّذِي نَ يُكَذِّبُو نَ بِيَوْ مِ ا ل دِّينِ
Wa Mā Yukadh dh ibu Bihi~ 'Illā Kullu Mu`tadin 'Ath ī min
And none can deny it except every transgressor beyond bounds, (in disbelief, oppression and disobedience of Allāh, the sinner!) (Al-Mutaffifin 83:12)
وَمَا يُكَذِّبُ بِهِ~ ِ إلاَّ كُلُّ مُعْتَدٍ أَثِيمٍ
'Idh ā Tutlá `Alay hi 'Āyātunā Q ā la 'Asāţ ī r u A l-'Awwalī na
When Our Verses (of the Qur'ān) are recited to him he says: "Tales of the ancients!" (Al-Mutaffifin 83:13)
إِذَا تُتْلَى عَلَيْ هِ آيَاتُنَا قَ ا لَ أَسَاطِ ي رُ ا لأَوَّلِينَ
Kallā ۖ Bal ۜ Rā na `Alá Q ulūbihim Mā Kānū Yaksibū na
Nay! But on their hearts is the Rān (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:14)
كَلاَّ ۖ بَلْ ۜ رَ ا نَ عَلَى قُ لُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
Kallā 'Inn ahum `An Ra bbihim Yawma'idh in Lamaĥjūbū na
Nay! Surely, they (evil-doers) will be veiled from seeing their Lord that Day. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:15)
كَلاَّ إِنَّ هُمْ عَن ْ رَ بِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَمَحْجُوبُونَ
Th umm a 'Inn ahum Laş ālū A l-Jaĥī mi
Then, verily they will indeed enter and taste the burning flame of Hell. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:16)
ثُمّ َ إِنَّ هُمْ لَصَ الُوا ا لْجَحِيمِ
Th umm a Yuq ā lu Hādh ā A l-Ladh ī Kun tum Bihi Tukadh dh ibū na
Then, it will be said to them: "This is what you used to deny!" (Al-Mutaffifin 83:17)
ثُمّ َ يُقَ ا لُ هَذَا ا لَّذِي كُن تُمْ بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ
Kallā 'Inn a Kitā ba A l-'Ab r ā r i Lafī `Illīyī na
Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-Abrār (the pious who fear Allāh and avoid evil), is (preserved) in 'Illiyyûn. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:18)
كَلاَّ إِنّ َ كِتَا بَ ا لأَبْ رَ ا ر ِ لَفِي عِلِّيِّينَ
Wa Mā 'Ad r ā ka Mā `Illīyū na
And what will make you know what 'Illiyyûn is? (Al-Mutaffifin 83:19)
وَمَا أَد ْرَ ا كَ مَا عِلِّيُّونَ
Kitā bun Marq ū mun
A Register inscribed. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:20)
كِتَا بٌ مَرْقُ ومٌ
Yash /haduhu A l-Muq arra bū na
To which bear witness those nearest (to Allāh, i.e. the angels). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:21)
يَشْهَدُهُ ا لْمُقَ رَّ بُونَ
'Inn a A l-'Ab r ā ra Lafī Na`ī min
Verily, Al-Abrār (the pious who fear Allāh and avoid evil) will be in delight (Paradise). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:22)
إِنّ َ ا لأَبْ رَ ا رَ لَفِي نَعِيمٍ
`Alá A l-'Arā 'iki Yan žurū na
On thrones, looking (at all things). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:23)
عَلَى ا لأَرَا ئِكِ يَن ظُ رُونَ
Ta`r ifu Fī Wujūhihim Nađra ta A n -Na`ī mi
You will recognise in their faces the brightness of delight. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:24)
تَعْر ِفُ فِي وُجُوهِهِمْ نَضْ رَ ةَ ا ل نَّ عِيمِ
Yusq aw na Min Ra ĥī q in Makh tū min
They will be given to drink pure sealed wine. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:25)
يُسْقَ وْ نَ مِن ْ رَ حِي ق ٍ مَخْ تُومٍ
Kh itāmuhu Miskun ۚ Wa Fī Dh ālika Falyatanāfasi A l-Mutanāfisū na
The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk, and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allāh). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:26)
خِ تَامُهُ مِسْكٌ ۚ وَفِي ذَلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ ا لْمُتَنَافِسُونَ
Wa Mizājuhu Min Tasnī min
It (that wine) will be mixed with Tasnīm. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:27)
وَمِزَاجُهُ مِن ْ تَسْنِيمٍ
`Aynāan Yash ra bu Bihā A l-Muq arra bū na
A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allāh. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:28)
عَيْنا ً يَشْرَ بُ بِهَا ا لْمُقَ رَّ بُونَ
'Inn a A l-Ladh ī na 'Aj ra mū Kānū Mina A l-Ladh ī na 'Āmanū Yađĥakū na
Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:29)
إِنّ َ ا لَّذِي نَ أَجْ رَ مُوا كَانُوا مِنَ ا لَّذِي نَ آمَنُوا يَضْ حَكُونَ
Wa 'Idh ā Marrū Bihim Yatagh āmazū na
And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery); (Al-Mutaffifin 83:30)
وَإِذَا مَرُّوا بِهِمْ يَتَغَ امَزُونَ
Wa 'Idh ā A n q alabū 'Ilá 'Ahlihimu A n q alabū Fakihī na
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting; (Al-Mutaffifin 83:31)
وَإِذَا ا ن قَ لَبُو ا إِلَى أَهْلِهِمُ ا ن قَ لَبُوا فَكِهِينَ
Wa 'Idh ā Ra 'awhum Q ālū 'Inn a Hā 'uulā ' Lađā llū na
And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have indeed gone astray!" (Al-Mutaffifin 83:32)
وَإِذَا رَ أَوْهُمْ قَ الُو ا إِنّ َ هَا ؤُلاَء لَضَ ا لُّونَ
Wa Mā 'Ursilū `Alayhim Ĥāfižī na
But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:33)
وَمَا أُرْسِلُوا عَلَيْهِمْ حَافِظِ ينَ
Fālyaw ma A l-Ladh ī na 'Āmanū Mina A l-Kuffā r i Yađĥakū na
But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers. (Al-Mutaffifin 83:34)
فَالْيَوْ مَ ا لَّذِي نَ آمَنُوا مِنَ ا لْكُفَّا ر ِ يَضْ حَكُونَ
`Alá A l-'Arā 'iki Yan žurū na
On (high) thrones, looking (at all things). (Al-Mutaffifin 83:35)
عَلَى ا لأَرَا ئِكِ يَن ظُ رُونَ
Hal Th ūwiba A l-Kuffā ru Mā Kānū Yaf`alū na
Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do? (Al-Mutaffifin 83:36)
هَلْ ثُوِّبَ ا لْكُفَّا رُ مَا كَانُوا يَفْعَلُونَ
Toggle thick letters. Most people make the mistake of thickening thin letters in the words that have other (highlighted) thick letter
Toggle to highlight thick letters خصضغطقظ رَ