063.001 When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say, "We bear witness that thou art indeed the Apostle of God." Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Apostle, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
063.004 When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!
Wa 'Idhā Qīla Lahum Ta`ālawā Yastaghfir LakumRasūlu Allāhi Lawwawā Ru'ūsahum Wa Ra'aytahum Yaşuddūna Wa Hum Mustakbirūna (Al-Munāfiqūn: 5).
063.005 And when it is said to them, "Come, the Apostle of God will pray for your forgiveness", they turn aside their heads, and thou wouldst see them turning away their faces in arrogance.
Humu Al-Ladhīna Yaqūlūna Lā Tunfiqū `Alá Man `Inda Rasūli Allāhi Ĥattá Yanfađđū ۗ Wa Lillāh Khazā'inu As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Wa Lakinna Al-Munāfiqīna Lā Yafqahūna (Al-Munāfiqūn: 7).
063.007 They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with God's Apostle, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Medina)." But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
Yaqūlūna La'inRaja`nā 'Ilá Al-Madīnati Layukhrijanna Al-'A`azzu Minhā Al-'Adhalla ۚ Wa Lillāh Al-`Izzatu Wa Lirasūlihi Wa Lilmu'uminīna Wa Lakinna Al-Munāfiqīna Lā Ya`lamūna (Al-Munāfiqūn: 8).
063.008 They say, "If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable (element) will expel therefrom the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Apostle, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.
Wa 'Anfiqū Min Mā Razaqnākum MinQabli 'An Ya'tiya 'Aĥadakumu Al-Mawtu Fayaqūla Rabbi Lawlā 'Akhkhartanī 'Ilá 'AjalinQarībin Fa'aşşaddaqa Wa 'Akun Mina Aş-Şāliĥīna (Al-Munāfiqūn: 10).
063.010 and spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, "O my Lord! why didst Thou not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good".