'Alā Lillāh Ad-Dīnu Al-Khālişu ۚ Wa Al-Ladhīna Attakhadhū Min Dūnihi 'Awliyā'a Mā Na`buduhum 'Illā Liyuqarribūnā 'Ilá Allāhi Zulfá 'Inna Allāha Yaĥkumu Baynahum Fī Mā Hum Fīhi Yakhtalifūna ۗ 'Inna Allāha Lā Yahdī Man Huwa Kādhibun Kaffārun (Az-Zumar: 3).
039.003 Is it not to God that sincere devotion is due? But those who take for protectors other than God (say): "We only serve them in order that they may bring us nearer to God." Truly God will judge between them in that wherein they differ. But God guides not such as are false and ungrateful.
Law 'Arāda Allāhu 'An Yattakhidha Waladāan Lāşţafá Mimmā Yakhluqu Mā Yashā'u ۚ Subĥānahu ۖ Huwa Allāhu Al-Wāĥidu Al-Qahhāru (Az-Zumar: 4).
039.004 Had God wished to take to Himself a son, He could have chosen whom He pleased out of those whom He doth create: but Glory be to Him! (He is above such things.) He is God, the One, the Irresistible.
Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Bil-Ĥaqqi ۖ Yukawwiru Al-Layla `Alá An-Nahāri Wa Yukawwiru An-Nahāra `Alá Al-Layli ۖ Wa Sakhkhara Ash-Shamsa Wa Al-Qamara ۖ Kullun Yajrī Li'jalin Musamman ۗ 'Alā Huwa Al-`Azīzu Al-Ghaffāru (Az-Zumar: 5).
039.005 He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again?
Khalaqakum Min Nafsin WāĥidatinThumma Ja`ala Minhā Zawjahā Wa 'Anzala Lakum Mina Al-'An`āmThamāniyata 'Azwājin ۚ Yakhluqukum Fī Buţūni 'UmmahātikumKhalqāan Min Ba`di Khalqin Fī ŽulumātinThalāthin ۚ Dhalikumu Allāhu Rabbukum Lahu Al-Mulku ۖ Lā 'Ilāha 'Illā Huwa ۖ Fa'anná Tuşrafūna (Az-Zumar: 6).
039.006 He created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness. such is God, your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye turned away (from your true Centre)?
039.007 If ye reject (God), Truly God hath no need of you; but He liketh not ingratitude from His servants: if ye are grateful, He is pleased with you. No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the end, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you the truth of all that ye did (in this life). for He knoweth well all that is in (men's) hearts.
Wa 'Idhā Massa Al-'Insāna Đurrun Da`ā Rabbahu Munībāan 'Ilayhi Thumma 'Idhā Khawwalahu Ni`matan Minhu Nasiya Mā Kāna Yad`ū 'Ilayhi MinQablu Wa Ja`ala Lillāh 'Andādāan Liyuđilla `An Sabīlihi ۚ Qul Tamatta` Bikufrika Qalīlāan ۖ 'Innaka Min 'Aşĥābi An-Nāri (Az-Zumar: 8).
039.008 When some trouble toucheth man, he crieth unto his Lord, turning to Him in repentance: but when He bestoweth a favour upon him as from Himself, (man) doth forget what he cried and prayed for before, and he doth set up rivals unto God, thus misleading others from God's Path. Say, "Enjoy thy blasphemy for a little while: verily thou art (one) of the Companions of the Fire!"
'Amman Huwa Qānitun 'Ānā'a Al-Layli Sājidāan Wa Qā'imāan Yaĥdharu Al-'Ākhirata Wa Yarjū Raĥmata Rabbihi ۗ Qul Hal Yastawī Al-Ladhīna Ya`lamūna Wa Al-Ladhīna Lā Ya`lamūna ۗ 'Innamā Yatadhakkaru 'Ūlū Al-'Albābi (Az-Zumar: 9).
039.009 Is one who worships devoutly during the hour of the night prostrating himself or standing (in adoration), who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord - (like one who does not)? Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.
039.010 Say: "O ye my servants who believe! Fear your Lord, good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world. Spacious is God's earth! those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!"
Fā`budū Mā Shi'tum Min Dūnihi ۗ Qul 'Inna Al-Khāsirīna Al-Ladhīna Khasirū 'Anfusahum Wa 'Ahlīhim Yawma Al-Qiyāmati ۗ 'Alā Dhālika Huwa Al-Khusrānu Al-Mubīnu (Az-Zumar: 15).
039.015 "Serve ye what ye will besides him." Say: "Truly, those in loss are those who lose their own souls and their People on the Day of Judgment: Ah! that is indeed the (real and) evident Loss!
Lahum Min FawqihimŽulalun Mina An-Nāri Wa Min TaĥtihimŽulalun ۚ Dhālika Yukhawwifu Allāhu Bihi `Ibādahu ۚ Yā `Ibādi Fa Attaqūni (Az-Zumar: 16).
039.016 They shall have Layers of Fire above them, and Layers (of Fire) below them: with this doth God warn off his servants: "O My Servants! then fear ye Me!"
Wa Al-Ladhīna Ajtanabū Aţ-Ţāghūta 'An Ya`budūhā Wa 'Anābū 'Ilá Allāhi Lahumu Al-Bushrá ۚ Fabashshir `Ibādi (Az-Zumar: 17).
039.017 Those who eschew Evil,- and fall not into its worship,- and turn to God (in repentance),- for them is Good News: so announce the Good News to My Servants,-
039.018 Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best (meaning) in it: those are the ones whom God has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding.
039.019 Is, then, one against whom the decree of Punishment is justly due (equal to one who eschews Evil)? Wouldst thou, then, deliver one (who is) in the Fire?
Lakini Al-Ladhīna Attaqawā Rabbahum LahumGhurafun Min Fawqihā Ghurafun Mabnīyatun Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'Anhāru ۖ Wa`da Allāhi ۖ Lā Yukhlifu Allāhu Al-Mī`ād (Az-Zumar: 20).
039.020 But it is for those who fear their Lord. That lofty mansions, one above another, have been built: beneath them flow rivers (of delight): (such is) the Promise of God: never doth God fail in (His) promise.
039.021 Seest thou not that God sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow, therewith, produce of various colours: then it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then He makes it dry up and crumble away. Truly, in this, is a Message of remembrance to men of understanding.
039.022 Is one whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he has received Enlightenment from God, (no better than one hard-hearted)? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of God! they are manifestly wandering (in error)!
Al-Lahu Nazzala 'Aĥsana Al-Ĥadīthi Kitābāan Mutashābihāan Mathāniya Taqsha`irru Minhu Julūdu Al-Ladhīna Yakhshawna RabbahumThumma Talīnu Julūduhum Wa Qulūbuhum 'Ilá Dhikri Allāhi ۚ Dhālika Hudá Allāhi Yahdī Bihi Man Yashā'u ۚ Wa Man Yuđlili Allāhu Famā Lahu Min Hādin (Az-Zumar: 23).
039.023 God has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of God's praises. Such is the guidance of God: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as God leaves to stray, can have none to guide.
039.024 Is, then, one who has to fear the brunt of the Penalty on the Day of Judgment (and receive it) on his face, (like one guarded therefrom)? It will be said to the wrong-doers: "Taste ye (the fruits of) what ye earned!"
Đaraba Allāhu MathalāanRajulāan Fīhi Shurakā'u Mutashākisūna Wa Rajulāan Salamāan Lirajulin Hal Yastawiyāni Mathalāan ۚ Al-Ĥamdu Lillāh ۚ Bal 'Aktharuhum Lā Ya`lamūna (Az-Zumar: 29).
039.029 God puts forth a Parable a man belonging to many partners at variance with each other, and a man belonging entirely to one master: are those two equal in comparison? Praise be to God! but most of them have no knowledge.
039.032 Who, then, doth more wrong than one who utters a lie concerning God, and rejects the Truth when it comes to him; is there not in Hell an abode for blasphemers?
'Alaysa Allāhu Bikāfin `Abdahu ۖ Wa Yukhawwifūnaka Bial-Ladhīna Min Dūnihi ۚ Wa Man Yuđlili Allāhu Famā Lahu Min Hādin (Az-Zumar: 36).
039.036 Is not God enough for his Servant? But they try to frighten thee with other (gods) besides Him! for such as God leaves to stray, there can be no guide.
Wa La'in Sa'altahum Man Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Layaqūlunna Allāhu ۚ Qul 'Afara'aytum Mā Tad`ūna Min Dūni Allāhi 'In 'Arādaniya Allāhu Biđurrin Hal Hunna Kāshifātu Đurrihi 'Aw 'Arādanī Biraĥmatin Hal Hunna Mumsikātu Raĥmatihi ۚ Qul Ĥasbiya Allāhu ۖ `Alayhi Yatawakkalu Al-Mutawakkilūna (Az-Zumar: 38).
039.038 If indeed thou ask them who it is that created the heavens and the earth, they would be sure to say, "God". Say: "See ye then? the things that ye invoke besides God,- can they, if God wills some Penalty for me, remove His Penalty?- Or if He wills some Grace for me, can they keep back his Grace?" Say: "Sufficient is God for me! In Him trust those who put their trust."
039.041 Verily We have revealed the Book to thee in Truth, for (instructing) mankind. He, then, that receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injures his own soul. Nor art thou set over them to dispose of their affairs.
039.042 It is God that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back (from returning to life), but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.
039.044 Say: "To God belongs exclusively (the right to grant) intercession: to Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: In the End, it is to Him that ye shall be brought back."
Wa 'Idhā Dhukira Allāhu Waĥdahu Ashma'azzat Qulūbu Al-Ladhīna Lā Yu'uminūna Bil-'Ākhirati ۖ Wa 'Idhā Dhukira Al-Ladhīna Min Dūnihi 'Idhā Hum Yastabshirūna (Az-Zumar: 45).
039.045 When God, the One and Only, is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust and horror; but when (gods) other than He are mentioned, behold, they are filled with joy!
039.046 Say: "O God! Creator of the heavens and the earth! Knower of all that is hidden and open! it is Thou that wilt judge between Thy Servants in those matters about which they have differed."
Wa Law 'Anna Lilladhīna Žalamū Mā Fī Al-'Arđi Jamī`āan Wa Mithlahu Ma`ahu Lāftadawā Bihi Min Sū'i Al-`Adhābi Yawma Al-Qiyāmati ۚ Wa Badā Lahum Mina Allāhi Mā Lam Yakūnū Yaĥtasibūna (Az-Zumar: 47).
039.047 Even if the wrong-doers had all that there is on earth, and as much more, (in vain) would they offer it for ransom from the pain of the Penalty on the Day of Judgment: but something will confront them from God, which they could never have counted upon!
Fa'idhā Massa Al-'Insāna Đurrun Da`ānā Thumma 'Idhā Khawwalnāhu Ni`matan Minnā Qāla 'Innamā 'Ūtītuhu `Alá `Ilmin ۚ Bal Hiya Fitnatun Wa Lakinna 'Aktharahum Lā Ya`lamūna (Az-Zumar: 49).
039.049 Now, when trouble touches man, he cries to Us: But when We bestow a favour upon him as from Ourselves, he says, "This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge (I have)!" Nay, but this is but a trial, but most of them understand not!
Fa'aşābahum Sayyi'ātu Mā Kasabū ۚ Wa Al-Ladhīna Žalamū Min Hā'uulā' Sayuşībuhum Sayyi'ātu Mā Kasabū Wa Mā Hum Bimu`jizīna (Az-Zumar: 51).
039.051 Nay, the evil results of their Deeds overtook them. And the wrong-doers of this (generation)- the evil results of their Deeds will soon overtake them (too), and they will never be able to frustrate (Our Plan)!
039.053 Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Balá Qad Jā'atka 'Āyātī Fakadhdhabta Bihā Wa Astakbarta Wa Kunta Mina Al-Kāfirīna (Az-Zumar: 59).
039.059 "(The reply will be:) 'Nay, but there came to thee my Signs, and thou didst reject them: thou wast Haughty, and became one of those who reject faith!'"
039.060 On the Day of Judgment wilt thou see those who told lies against God;- their faces will be turned black; Is there not in Hell an abode for the Haughty?
Wa Laqad 'Ūĥiya 'Ilayka Wa 'Ilá Al-Ladhīna MinQablika La'in 'Ashrakta Layaĥbaţanna `Amaluka Wa Latakūnanna Mina Al-Khāsirīna (Az-Zumar: 65).
039.065 But it has already been revealed to thee,- as it was to those before thee,- "If thou wert to join (gods with God), truly fruitless will be thy work (in life), and thou wilt surely be in the ranks of those who lose (all spiritual good)".
Wa Mā Qadarū Allaha Ĥaqqa Qadrihi Wa Al-'Arđu Jamī`āanQabđatuhu Yawma Al-Qiyāmati Wa As-Samāwātu Maţwīyātun Biyamīnihi ۚ Subĥānahu Wa Ta`ālá `Ammā Yushrikūna (Az-Zumar: 67).
039.067 No just estimate have they made of God, such as is due to Him: On the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand: Glory to Him! High is He above the Partners they attribute to Him!
Wa Nufikha Fī Aş-Şūri Faşa`iqa Man Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Man Fī Al-'Arđi 'Illā ManShā'a Allāhu ۖ Thumma Nufikha Fīhi 'Ukhrá Fa'idhā HumQiyāmun Yanžurūna (Az-Zumar: 68).
039.068 The Trumpet will (just) be sounded, when all that are in the heavens and on earth will swoon, except such as it will please God (to exempt). Then will a second one be sounded, when, behold, they will be standing and looking on!
Wa 'Ashraqati Al-'Arđu Binūri Rabbihā Wa Wuđi`a Al-Kitābu Wa Jī'a Bin-Nabīyīna Wa Ash-Shuhadā'i Wa Quđiya Baynahum Bil-Ĥaqqi Wa Hum Lā Yužlamūna (Az-Zumar: 69).
039.069 And the Earth will shine with the Glory of its Lord: the Record (of Deeds) will be placed (open); the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward and a just decision pronounced between them; and they will not be wronged (in the least).
Wa Sīqa Al-Ladhīna Kafarū 'Ilá Jahannama Zumarāan ۖ Ĥattá 'Idhā Jā'ūhā Futiĥat 'Abwābuhā Wa Qāla LahumKhazanatuhā 'Alam Ya'tikumRusulun Minkum Yatlūna `Alaykum 'Āyāti Rabbikum Wa Yundhirūnakum Liqā'a Yawmikum Hādhā ۚ Qālū Balá Wa Lakin Ĥaqqat Kalimatu Al-`Adhābi `Alá Al-Kāfirīna (Az-Zumar: 71).
039.071 The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive, there, its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say, "Did not apostles come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of This Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"
Wa Sīqa Al-Ladhīna Attaqawā Rabbahum 'Ilá Al-Jannati Zumarāan ۖ Ĥattá 'Idhā Jā'ūhā Wa Futiĥat 'Abwābuhā Wa Qāla LahumKhazanatuhā Salāmun `AlaykumŢibtum Fādkhulūhā Khālidīna (Az-Zumar: 73).
039.073 And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds: until behold, they arrive there; its gates will be opened; and its keepers will say: "Peace be upon you! well have ye done! enter ye here, to dwell therein."
Wa Qālū Al-Ĥamdu Lillāh Al-Ladhī Şadaqanā Wa`dahu Wa 'Awrathanā Al-'Arđa Natabawwa'u Mina Al-Jannati Ĥaythu Nashā'u ۖ Fani`ma 'Ajru Al-`Āmilīna (Az-Zumar: 74).
039.074 They will say: "Praise be to God, Who has truly fulfilled His Promise to us, and has given us (this) land in heritage: We can dwell in the Garden as we will: how excellent a reward for those who work (righteousness)!"
Wa Tará Al-Malā'ikata Ĥāffīna Min Ĥawli Al-`Arshi Yusabbiĥūna Biĥamdi Rabbihim ۖ Wa Quđiya Baynahum Bil-Ĥaqqi Wa Qīla Al-Ĥamdu Lillāh Rabbi Al-`Ālamīna (Az-Zumar: 75).
039.075 And thou wilt see the angels surrounding the Throne (Divine) on all sides, singing Glory and Praise to their Lord. The Decision between them (at Judgment) will be in (perfect) justice, and the cry (on all sides) will be, "Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds!"