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Tabāra ka A l-Ladh ī Nazzala A l-Furq ā na `Alá `Ab dihi Liyakū na Lil`ālamī na Nadh īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 1).
025.001 Blessed is He Who hath revealed unto His slave the Criterion (of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples.
تَبَارَ كَ ا لَّذِي نَزَّلَ ا لْفُرْقَ ا نَ عَلَى عَبْ دِهِ لِيَكُو نَ لِلْعَالَمِي نَ نَذِير اً
Al-Ladh ī Lahu Mulku A s-Samāwā ti Wa A l-'Arđi Wa Lam Yattakh idh Waladāan Wa Lam Yakun Lahu Sh ar ī kun Fī A l-Mulki Wa Kh alaq a Kulla Sh ay 'in Faq addara hu Taq dīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 2).
025.002 He unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, He hath chosen no son nor hath He any partner in the Sovereignty. He hath created everything and hath meted out for it a measure.
ا لَّذِي لَهُ مُلْكُ ا ل سَّمَاوَا تِ وَا لأَرْضِ وَلَمْ يَتَّخِ ذْ وَلَداً وَلَمْ يَكُن ْ لَهُ شَر ِي كٌ فِي ا لْمُلْكِ وَخَ لَقَ كُلَّ شَيْ ءٍ فَقَ دَّرَ هُ تَقْ دِير اً
Wa A ttakh adh ū Min Dūnihi 'Ālihatan Lā Yakh luq ū na Sh ay'ā an Wa Hum Yukh laq ū na Wa Lā Yam likū na Li'n fusihim Đ arrā an Wa Lā Naf`āan Wa Lā Yam likū na Mawtāan Wa Lā Ĥayāatan Wa Lā Nush ūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 3).
025.003 Yet they choose beside Him other gods who create naught but are themselves created, and possess not hurt nor profit for themselves, and possess not death nor life, nor power to raise the dead.
وَاتَّخَ ذُوا مِن ْ دُونِهِ آلِهَة ً لاَ يَخْ لُقُ و نَ شَيْ ئاً وَهُمْ يُخْ لَقُ و نَ وَلاَ يَمْلِكُو نَ لِأن فُسِهِمْ ضَ رّاً وَلاَ نَفْعاً وَلاَ يَمْلِكُو نَ مَوْتاً وَلاَ حَيَا ةً وَلاَ نُشُوراً
Wa Q ā la A l-Ladh ī na Kafarū 'In Hādh ā 'Illā 'Ifkun A ftar ā hu Wa 'A`ānahu `Alay hi Q aw mun 'Ākh arū na ۖ Faq ad Jā 'ū Ž ulmāan Wa Zūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 4).
025.004 Those who disbelieve say: This is naught but a lie that he hath invented, and other folk have helped him with it, so that they have produced a slander and a lie.
وَقَ ا لَ ا لَّذِي نَ كَفَرُو ا إِن ْ هَذَا إِلاَّ إِفْكٌ ا فْتَرَ ا هُ وَأَعَانَهُ عَلَيْ هِ قَ وْ مٌ آخَ رُو نَ ۖ فَقَ دْ جَا ءُ وا ظُ لْماً وَزُوراً
Wa Q ālū 'Asāţ ī r u A l-'Awwalī na A ktatabahā Fahiya Tum lá `Alay hi Bukra tan Wa 'Aş īlāan (Al-Furq ān : 5).
025.005 And they say: Fables of the men of old which he hath had written down so that they are dictated to him morn and evening.
وَقَ الُو ا أَسَاطِ ي ر ُا لأَوَّلِي نَ ا كْتَتَبَهَا فَهِيَ تُمْلَى عَلَيْ هِ بُكْرَ ةً وَأَصِ يلاً
Q ul 'An zalahu A l-Ladh ī Ya`lamu A s-Sir ra Fī A s-Samāwā ti Wa A l-'Arđi ۚ 'Inn ahu Kā na Gh afūrā an Ra ĥīmāan (Al-Furq ān : 6).
025.006 Say (unto them, O Muhammad): He who knoweth the secret of the heavens and the earth hath revealed it. Lo! He ever is Forgiving, Merciful.
قُ لْ أَن زَلَهُ ا لَّذِي يَعْلَمُ ا ل سِّر َّ فِي ا ل سَّمَاوَا تِ وَا لأَرْضِ ۚ إِنَّ هُ كَا نَ غَ فُوراً رَ حِيماً
Wa Q ālū Mā li Hādh ā A r-Ra sū li Ya'kulu A ţ -Ţ a`ā ma Wa Yam sh ī Fī A l-'Aswā q i ۙ Lawlā 'Un zila 'Ilay hi Malakun Fayakū na Ma`ahu Nadh īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 7).
025.007 And they say: What aileth this messenger (of Allah) that he eateth food and walketh in the markets ? Why is not an angel sent down unto him, to be a warner with him.
وَقَ الُوا مَا لِ هَذَا ا ل رَّ سُو لِ يَأْكُلُ ا ل طَّ عَا مَ وَيَمْشِي فِي ا لأَسْوَا قِ ۙ لَوْلاَ أُن زِلَ إِلَيْ هِ مَلَكٌ فَيَكُو نَ مَعَهُ نَذِير اً
'Aw Yulq á 'Ilay hi Kan zun 'Aw Takū nu Lahu Jann atun Ya'kulu Minhā ۚ Wa Q ā la A ž-Ž ālimū na 'In Tattabi`ū na 'Illā Ra julāan Masĥūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 8).
025.008 Or (why is not) treasure thrown down unto him, or why hath he not a paradise from whence to eat ? And the evil-doers say: Ye are but following a man bewitched.
أَوْ يُلْقَ ى إِلَيْ هِ كَن زٌ أَوْ تَكُو نُ لَهُ جَنَّ ةٌ يَأْكُلُ مِنْ هَا ۚ وَقَ ا لَ ا ل ظَّ الِمُو نَ إِن ْ تَتَّبِعُو نَ إِلاَّ رَ جُلاً مَسْحُوراً
A n žur Kay fa Đ ara bū Laka A l-'Am th ā la Fađallū Falā Yastaţ ī`ū na Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 9).
025.009 See how they coin similitudes for thee, so that they are all astray and cannot find a road!
ا ن ظُ رْ كَيْ فَ ضَ رَ بُوا لَكَ ا لأَمْثَا لَ فَضَ لُّوا فَلاَ يَسْتَطِ يعُو نَ سَبِيلاً
Tabāra ka A l-Ladh ī 'In Sh ā 'a Ja`ala Laka Kh ayrā an Min Dh ālika Jann ā tin Taj r ī Min Taĥtihā A l-'Anhā ru Wa Yaj `al Laka Q uş ūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 10).
025.010 Blessed is He Who, if He will, will assign thee better than (all) that - Gardens underneath which rivers flow - and will assign thee mansions.
تَبَارَ كَ ا لَّذِي إِن ْ شَا ءَ جَعَلَ لَكَ خَ يْراً مِن ْ ذَلِكَ جَنّ َا تٍ تَجْ رِ ي مِن ْ تَحْتِهَا ا لأَنْ هَا رُ وَيَجْ عَلْ لَكَ قُ صُ وراً
Bal Kadh dh abū Bis-Sā`ati ۖ Wa 'A`tad nā Liman Kadh dh aba Bis-Sā`ati Sa`īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 11).
025.011 Nay, but they deny (the coming of) the Hour, and for those who deny (the coming of) the Hour We have prepared a flame.
بَلْ كَذَّبُوا بِا ل سَّاعَةِ ۖ وَأَعْتَدْ نَا لِمَن ْ كَذَّبَ بِا ل سَّاعَةِ سَعِير اً
'Idh ā Ra 'at/hum Min Makā nin Ba`ī din Sami`ū Lahā Tagh ayyužāan Wa Zafīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 12).
025.012 When it seeth them from afar, they hear the crackling and the roar thereof.
إِذَا رَ أَتْهُم مِن ْ مَكَا نٍ بَعِي دٍ سَمِعُوا لَهَا تَغَ يُّظ اً وَزَفِير اً
Wa 'Idh ā 'Ulq ū Minhā Makānāan Đ ayyiq āan Muq arra nī na Da`awā Hunālika Th ubūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 13).
025.013 And when they are flung into a narrow place thereof, chained together, they pray for destruction there.
وَإِذَا أُلْقُ وا مِنْ هَا مَكَاناً ضَ يِّق اً مُقَ رَّ نِي نَ دَعَوْا هُنَالِكَ ثُبُوراً
Lā Tad `ū A l-Yaw ma Th ubūrā an Wāĥidāan Wa A d `ū Th ubūrā an Kath īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 14).
025.014 Pray not that day for one destruction, but pray for many destructions!
لاَ تَدْ عُوا ا لْيَوْ مَ ثُبُوراً وَاحِداً وَا دْ عُوا ثُبُوراً كَثِير اً
Q ul 'Adh alika Kh ay ru n 'Am Jann atu A l-Kh uldi A llatī Wu`ida A l-Muttaq ū na ۚ Kānat Lahum Jazā 'an Wa Maş īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 15).
025.015 Say: Is that (doom) better or the Garden of Immortality which is promised unto those who ward off (evil) ? It will be their reward and journey's end.
قُ لْ أَذَلِكَ خَ يْ رٌ أَمْ جَنَّ ةُ ا لْخُ لْدِ ا لَّتِي وُعِدَ ا لْمُتَّقُ و نَ ۚ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ جَزَا ءً وَمَصِ ير اً
Lahum Fīhā Mā Yash ā 'ū na Kh ālidī na ۚ Kā na `Alá Ra bbika Wa`dāan Mas'ūlāan (Al-Furq ān : 16).
025.016 Therein abiding, they have all that they desire. It is for thy Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.
لَهُمْ فِيهَا مَا يَشَا ءُو نَ خَ الِدِي نَ ۚ كَا نَ عَلَى رَ بِّكَ وَعْداً مَسْئُ ولاً
Wa Yaw ma Yaĥsh uru hum Wa Mā Ya`budū na Min Dū ni A ll ā hi Fayaq ū lu 'A'an tum 'Ađlaltum `Ibādī Hā 'uulā ' 'Am Hum Đ allū A s-Sabī la (Al-Furq ān : 17).
025.017 And on the day when He will assemble them and that which they worship instead of Allah and will say: Was it ye who misled these my slaves or did they (themselves) wander from the way ?
وَيَوْ مَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُو نَ مِن ْ دُو نِ ا للَّ هِ فَيَقُ و لُ أَأَنْ تُمْ أَضْ لَلْتُمْ عِبَادِي هَا ؤُلاَء أَمْ هُمْ ضَ لُّوا ا ل سَّبِيلَ
Q ālū Sub ĥānaka Mā Kā na Yan bagh ī Lanā 'An Nattakh idh a Min Dūnika Min 'Awliyā 'a Wa Lakin Matta`tahum Wa 'Ābā 'ahum Ĥattá Nasū A dh -Dh ikra Wa Kānū Q awmāan Būrā an (Al-Furq ān : 18).
025.018 They will say: Be Thou Glorified! it was not for us to choose any protecting friends beside thee; but Thou didst give them and their fathers ease till they forgot the warning and became lost folk.
قَ الُوا سُبْ حَانَكَ مَا كَا نَ يَنْ بَغِ ي لَنَا أَن ْ نَتَّخِ ذَ مِن ْ دُونِكَ مِن ْ أَوْلِيَا ءَ وَلَكِن ْ مَتَّعْتَهُمْ وَآبَا ءَهُمْ حَتَّى نَسُوا ا ل ذِّكْرَ وَكَانُوا قَ وْماً بُوراً
Faq ad Kadh dh abūkum Bimā Taq ūlū na Famā Tastaţ ī`ū na Ş arfāan Wa Lā Naş rā an ۚ Wa Man Yažlim Min kum Nudh iq hu `Adh ābāan Kabīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 19).
025.019 Thus they will give you the lie regarding what ye say, then ye can neither avert (the doom) nor obtain help. And whoso among you doeth wrong, We shall make him taste great torment.
فَقَ دْ كَذَّبُوكُمْ بِمَا تَقُ ولُو نَ فَمَا تَسْتَطِ يعُو نَ صَ رْفاً وَلاَ نَصْ راً ۚ وَمَن ْ يَظْ لِمْ مِنْ كُمْ نُذِقْ هُ عَذَاباً كَبِير اً
Wa Mā 'Arsalnā Q ab laka Mina A l-Mursalī na 'Illā 'Inn ahum Laya'kulū na A ţ -Ţ a`ā ma Wa Yam sh ū na Fī A l-'Aswā q i ۗ Wa Ja`alnā Ba`đakum Liba`đin Fitnatan 'Ataş birū na ۗ Wa Kā na Ra bbuka Baş īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 20).
025.020 We never sent before thee any messengers but lo! they verily ate food and walked in the markets. And We have appointed some of you a test for others: Will ye be steadfast ? And thy Lord is ever Seer.
وَما أَرْسَلْنَا قَ بْ لَكَ مِنَ ا لْمُرْسَلِي نَ إِلاَّ إِنَّ هُمْ لَيَأْكُلُو نَ ا ل طَّ عَا مَ وَيَمْشُو نَ فِي ا لأَسْوَا قِ ۗ وَجَعَلْنَا بَعْضَ كُمْ لِبَعْض ٍ فِتْنَةً أَتَصْ بِرُو نَ ۗ وَكَا نَ رَ بُّكَ بَصِ ير اً
Wa Q ā la A l-Ladh ī na Lā Yarjū na Liq ā 'anā Lawlā 'Un zila `Alaynā A l-Malā 'ikatu 'Aw Nará Ra bbanā ۗ Laq adi A stakbarū Fī 'An fusihim Wa `Atawā `Utūw 7an Kabīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 21).
025.021 And those who look not for a meeting with Us say: Why are angels not sent down unto us and (Why) do we not see our Lord! Assuredly they think too highly of themselves and are scornful with great pride.
وَقَ ا لَ ا لَّذِي نَ لاَ يَرْجُو نَ لِقَ ا ءَنَا لَوْلاَ أُن زِلَ عَلَيْنَا ا لْمَلاَئِكَةُ أَوْ نَرَ ى رَ بَّنَا ۗ لَقَ دِ ا سْتَكْبَرُوا فِي أَن فُسِهِمْ وَعَتَوْا عُتُوّاً كَبِير اً
Yaw ma Yara w na A l-Malā 'ikata Lā Bush rá Yawma'idh in Lilmuj r imī na Wa Yaq ūlū na Ĥij rā an Maĥjūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 22).
025.022 On the day when they behold the angels, on that day there will be no good tidings for the guilty; and they will cry: A forbidding ban!
يَوْ مَ يَرَ وْ نَ ا لْمَلاَئِكَةَ لاَ بُشْرَ ى يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُجْ رِ مِي نَ وَيَقُ ولُو نَ حِجْ راً مَحْجُوراً
Wa Q adim nā 'Ilá Mā `Amilū Min `Amalin Faja`alnā hu Habā 'an Man th ūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 23).
025.023 And We shall turn unto the work they did and make it scattered motes.
وَقَ دِمْنَا إِلَى مَا عَمِلُوا مِن ْ عَمَلٍ فَجَعَلْنَا هُ هَبَا ءً مَنْ ثُوراً
'Aş ĥā bu A l-Jann ati Yawma'idh in Kh ay ru n Mustaq arrā an Wa 'Aĥsanu Maq īlāan (Al-Furq ān : 24).
025.024 Those who have earned the Garden on that day will be better in their home and happier in their place of noonday rest;
أَصْ حَا بُ ا لْجَنَّ ةِ يَوْمَئِذٍ خَ يْ رٌ مُسْتَقَ رّاً وَأَحْسَنُ مَقِ يلاً
Wa Yaw ma Tash aq q aq u A s-Samā 'u Bil-Gh amā mi Wa Nuzzila A l-Malā 'ikatu Tan zīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 25).
025.025 A day when the heaven with the clouds will be rent asunder and the angels will be sent down, a grand descent.
وَيَوْ مَ تَشَقَّ قُ ا ل سَّمَا ءُ بِا لْغَ مَا مِ وَنُزِّلَ ا لْمَلاَئِكَةُ تَن زِيلاً
Al-Mulku Yawma'idh in A l-Ĥaq q u Lilrra ĥmani ۚ Wa Kā na Yawmāan `Alá A l-Kāfir ī na `Asīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 26).
025.026 The Sovereignty on that day will be the True (Sovereignty) belonging to the Beneficent One, and it will be a hard day for disbelievers.
ا لْمُلْكُ يَوْمَئِذٍ ا لْحَقُّ لِل رَّ حْمَنِ ۚ وَكَا نَ يَوْماً عَلَى ا لْكَافِر ِي نَ عَسِير اً
Wa Yaw ma Ya`ađđu A ž-Ž ālimu `Alá Yaday hi Yaq ū lu Yā Laytanī A ttakh adh tu Ma`a A r-Ra sū li Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 27).
025.027 On the day when the wrong-doer gnaweth his hands, he will say: Ah, would that I had chosen a way together with the messenger (of Allah)!
وَيَوْ مَ يَعَضّ ُ ا ل ظَّ الِمُ عَلَى يَدَيْ هِ يَقُ و لُ يَالَيْتَنِي ا تَّخَ ذْتُ مَعَ ا ل رَّ سُو لِ سَبِيلاً
Yā Waylatī Laytanī Lam 'Attakh idh Fulānāan Kh alīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 28).
025.028 Alas for me! Ah, would that I had never taken such an one for friend!
يَاوَيْلَتِي لَيْتَنِي لَمْ أَتَّخِ ذْ فُلاَناً خَ لِيلاً
Laq ad 'Ađallanī `Ani A dh -Dh ikr i Ba`da 'Idh Jā 'anī ۗ Wa Kā na A sh -Sh ayţ ā nu Lil'in sā ni Kh adh ūlāan (Al-Furq ān : 29).
025.029 He verily led me astray from the Reminder after it had reached me. Satan was ever man's deserter in the hour of need.
لَقَ دْ أَضَ لَّنِي عَنِ ا ل ذِّكْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ جَا ءَنِي ۗ وَكَا نَ ا ل شَّيْطَ ا نُ لِلإِن سَا نِ خَ ذُولاً
Wa Q ā la A r-Ra sū lu Yā Ra bbi 'Inn a Q awm 99 A ttakh adh ū Hādh ā A l-Q ur'ā na Mahjūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 30).
025.030 And the messenger saith: O my Lord! Lo! mine own folk make this Qur'an of no account.
وَقَ ا لَ ا ل رَّ سُو لُ يَارَ بِّ إِنّ َ قَ وْمِي ا تَّخَ ذُوا هَذَا ا لْقُ رْآنَ مَهْجُوراً
Wa Kadh alika Ja`alnā Likulli Nabī yin `Adūw 7an Mina A l-Muj r imī na ۗ Wa Kafá Bira bbika Hādīāan Wa Naş īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 31).
025.031 Even so have We appointed unto every prophet an opponent from among the guilty; but Allah sufficeth for a Guide and Helper.
وَكَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَا لِكُلِّ نَبِيٍّ عَدُوّاً مِنَ ا لْمُجْ رِ مِي نَ ۗ وَكَفَى بِرَ بِّكَ هَادِي اً وَنَصِ ير اً
Wa Q ā la A l-Ladh ī na Kafarū Lawlā Nuzzila `Alay hi A l-Q ur'ā nu Jum latan Wāĥidatan ۚ Kadh ālika Linuth abbita Bihi Fu'uādaka ۖ Wa Ra ttalnā hu Tartīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 32).
025.032 And those who disbelieve say: Why is the Qur'an not revealed unto him all at once ? (It is revealed) thus that We may strengthen thy heart therewith; and We have arranged it in right order.
وَقَ ا لَ ا لَّذِي نَ كَفَرُوا لَوْلاَ نُزِّلَ عَلَيْ هِ ا لْقُ رْآنُ جُمْلَةً وَاحِدَةً ۚ كَذَلِكَ لِنُثَبِّتَ بِهِ فُؤَ ادَكَ ۖ وَرَ تَّلْنَا هُ تَرْتِيلاً
Wa Lā Ya'tūnaka Bimath alin 'Illā Ji'nā ka Bil-Ĥaq q i Wa 'Aĥsana Tafsīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 33).
025.033 And they bring thee no similitude but We bring thee the Truth (as against it), and better (than their similitude) as argument.
وَلاَ يَأْتُونَكَ بِمَثَلٍ إِلاَّ جِئْنَا كَ بِا لْحَقِّ وَأَحْسَنَ تَفْسِير اً
Al-Ladh ī na Yuĥsh arū na `Alá Wujūhihim 'Ilá Jahann ama 'Ūlā 'ika Sh arru n Makānāan Wa 'Ađallu Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 34).
025.034 Those who will be gathered on their faces unto hell: such are worse in plight and further from the right road.
ا لَّذِي نَ يُحْشَرُو نَ عَلَى وُجُوهِهِمْ إِلَى جَهَنَّ مَ أُ وْلَا ئِكَ شَرٌّ مَكَاناً وَأَضَ لُّ سَبِيلاً
Wa Laq ad 'Ātaynā Mūsá A l-Kitā ba Wa Ja`alnā Ma`ahu 'Akh ā hu Hārū na Wazīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 35).
025.035 We verily gave Moses the Scripture and placed with him his brother Aaron as henchman.
وَلَقَ دْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى ا لْكِتَا بَ وَجَعَلْنَا مَعَهُ أَخَ ا هُ هَارُو نَ وَزِير اً
Faq ulnā A dh /habā 'Ilá A l-Q aw mi A l-Ladh ī na Kadh dh abū Bi'ā yātinā Fadamm arnāhum Tad mīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 36).
025.036 Then We said: Go together unto the folk who have denied Our revelations. Then We destroyed them, a complete destruction.
فَقُ لْنَا ا ذْهَبَا إِلَى ا لْقَ وْ مِ ا لَّذِي نَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا فَدَمَّ رْنَاهُمْ تَدْ مِير اً
Wa Q aw ma Nūĥin Lamm ā Kadh dh abū A r-Ru sula 'Agh ra q nāhum Wa Ja`alnāhum Lilnn ā si 'Āyatan ۖ Wa 'A`tad nā Lilžžālimī na `Adh ābāan 'Alīmāan (Al-Furq ān : 37).
025.037 And Noah's folk, when they denied the messengers, We drowned them and made of them a portent for mankind. We have prepared a painful doom for evil-doers.
وَقَ وْ مَ نُو حٍ لَمَّ ا كَذَّبُوا ا ل رُّسُلَ أَغْ رَ قْ نَاهُمْ وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ لِلنّ َا سِ آيَةً ۖ وَأَعْتَدْ نَا لِلظَّ الِمِي نَ عَذَاباً أَلِيماً
Wa `Ādāan Wa Th amū da Wa 'Aş ĥā ba A r-Ra ssi Wa Q urūnāan Bay na Dh ālika Kath īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 38).
025.038 And (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud, and the dwellers in Ar-Rass, and many generations in between.
وَعَاداً وَثَمُو دَ وَأَصْ حَا بَ ا ل رَّ سِّ وَقُ رُوناً بَيْ نَ ذَلِكَ كَثِير اً
Wa Kullāan Đ ara b nā Lahu A l-'Am th ā la ۖ Wa Kullāan Tabbarnā Tatbīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 39).
025.039 Each (of them) We warned by examples, and each (of them) We brought to utter ruin.
وَكُلاًّ ضَ رَ بْ نَا لَهُ ا لأَمْثَا لَ ۖ وَكُلاًّ تَبَّرْنَا تَتْبِير اً
Wa Laq ad 'Atawā `Alá A l-Q aryati A llatī 'Um ţ ira t Maţ ara A s-Saw 'i ۚ 'Afalam Yakūnū Yara wnahā ۚ Bal Kānū Lā Yarjū na Nush ūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 40).
025.040 And indeed they have passed by the township whereon was rained the fatal rain. Can it be that they have not seen it ? Nay, but they hope for no resurrection.
وَلَقَ دْ أَتَوْا عَلَى ا لْقَ رْيَةِ ا لَّتِي أُمْطِ رَ تْ مَطَ رَ ا ل سَّوْ ءِ ۚ أَفَلَمْ يَكُونُوا يَرَ وْنَهَا ۚ بَلْ كَانُوا لاَ يَرْجُو نَ نُشُوراً
Wa 'Idh ā R'aw ka 'In Yattakh idh ūnaka 'Illā Huzūan 'Ahadh ā A l-Ladh ī Ba`ath a A ll āhu Ra sūlāan (Al-Furq ān : 41).
025.041 And when they see thee (O Muhammad) they treat thee only as a jest (saying): Is this he whom Allah sendeth as a messenger ?
وَإِذَا رأَوْ كَ إِن ْ يَتَّخِ ذُونَكَ إِلاَّ هُزُو اً أَهَذَا ا لَّذِي بَعَثَ ا للَّ هُ رَ سُولاً
'In Kā da Layuđillunā `An 'Ālihatinā Lawlā 'An Ş abarnā `Alayhā ۚ Wa Saw fa Ya`lamū na Ĥī na Yara w na A l-`Adh ā ba Man 'Ađallu Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 42).
025.042 He would have led us far away from our gods if we had not been staunch to them. They will know, when they behold the doom, who is more astray as to the road.
إِن ْ كَا دَ لَيُضِ لُّنَا عَن ْ آلِهَتِنَا لَوْلاَ أَن ْ صَ بَرْنَا عَلَيْهَا ۚ وَسَوْ فَ يَعْلَمُو نَ حِي نَ يَرَ وْ نَ ا لْعَذَا بَ مَن ْ أَضَ لُّ سَبِيلاً
'Ara 'ay ta Mani A ttakh adh a 'Ilahahu Hawā hu 'Afa'an ta Takū nu `Alay hi Wa Kīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 43).
025.043 Hast thou seen him who chooseth for his god his own lust ? Wouldst thou then be guardian over him ?
أَرَ أَيْ تَ مَنِ ا تَّخَ ذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَا هُ أَفَأَنْ تَ تَكُو نُ عَلَيْ هِ وَكِيلاً
'Am Taĥsabu 'Ann a 'Akth ara hum Yasma`ū na 'Aw Ya`q ilū na ۚ 'In Hum 'Illā Kāl'an`ām ۖ Bal Hum 'Ađallu Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 44).
025.044 Or deemest thou that most of them hear or understand ? They are but as the cattle - nay, but they are farther astray ?
أَمْ تَحْسَبُ أَنّ َ أَكْثَرَ هُمْ يَسْمَعُو نَ أَوْ يَعْقِ لُو نَ ۚ إِن ْ هُمْ إِلاَّ كَالأَنعَام ۖ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَ لُّ سَبِيلاً
'Alam Tará 'Ilá Ra bbika Kay fa Madda A ž-Ž illa Wa Law Sh ā 'a Laja`alahu Sākināan Th umm a Ja`alnā A sh -Sh am sa `Alay hi Dalīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 45).
025.045 Hast thou not seen how thy Lord hath spread the shade - And if He willed He could have made it still - then We have made the sun its pilot;
أَلَمْ تَرَ ى إِلَى رَ بِّكَ كَيْ فَ مَدَّ ا ل ظِّ لَّ وَلَوْ شَا ءَ لَجَعَلَهُ سَاكِناً ثُمّ َ جَعَلْنَا ا ل شَّمْسَ عَلَيْ هِ دَلِيلاً
Th umm a Q abađnā hu 'Ilaynā Q ab đāan Yasīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 46).
025.046 Then We withdraw it unto Us, a gradual withdrawal ?
ثُمّ َ قَ بَضْ نَا هُ إِلَيْنَا قَ بْ ض اً يَسِير اً
Wa Huwa A l-Ladh ī Ja`ala Lakumu A l-Lay la Libāsāan Wa A n -Naw ma Subātāan Wa Ja`ala A n -Nahā ra Nush ūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 47).
025.047 And He it is Who maketh night a covering for you, and sleep repose, and maketh day a resurrection.
وَهُوَ ا لَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ا ل لَّيْ لَ لِبَاساً وَا ل نَّ وْ مَ سُبَاتاً وَجَعَلَ ا ل نَّ هَا رَ نُشُوراً
Wa Huwa A l-Ladh ī 'Arsala A r-R iyā ĥa Bush rā an Bay na Yaday Ra ĥmatihi ۚ Wa 'An zalnā Mina A s-Samā 'i Mā 'an Ţ ahūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 48).
025.048 And He it is Who sendeth the winds, glad tidings heralding His mercy, and We send down purifying water from the sky,
وَهُوَ ا لَّذِي أَرْسَلَ ا ل رِّيَا حَ بُشْراً بَيْ نَ يَدَيْ رَ حْمَتِهِ ۚ وَأَن زَلْنَا مِنَ ا ل سَّمَا ءِ مَا ءً طَ هُوراً
Linuĥyiya Bi hi Baldatan Maytāan Wa Nusq iyahu Mimm ā Kh alaq nā 'An`āmāan Wa 'Anāsī ya Kath īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 49).
025.049 That We may give life thereby to a dead land, and We give many beasts and men that We have created to drink thereof.
لِنُحْيِيَ بِهِ بَلْدَةً مَيْتاً وَنُسْقِ يَهُ مِمَّ ا خَ لَقْ نَا أَنْ عَاماً وَأَنَاسِيَّ كَثِير اً
Wa Laq ad Ş arra fnā hu Baynahum Liyadh dh akkarū Fa'abá 'Akth aru A n -Nā si 'Illā Kufūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 50).
025.050 And verily We have repeated it among them that they may remember, but most of mankind begrudge aught save ingratitude.
وَلَقَ دْ صَ رَّ فْنَا هُ بَيْنَهُمْ لِيَذَّكَّرُوا فَأَبَى أَكْثَرُ ا ل نّ َا سِ إِلاَّ كُفُوراً
Wa Law Shi 'nā Laba`ath nā Fī Kulli Q aryatin Nadh īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 51).
025.051 If We willed, We could raise up a warner in every village.
وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَبَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ قَ رْيَةٍ نَذِير اً
Falā Tuţ i`i A l-Kāfir ī na Wa Jāhid /hum Bihi Jihādāan Kabīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 52).
025.052 So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them herewith with a great endeavour.
فَلاَ تُطِ عِ ا لْكَافِر ِي نَ وَجَاهِدْ هُمْ بِهِ جِهَاداً كَبِير اً
Wa Huwa A l-Ladh ī Mara ja A l-Baĥra y ni Hādh ā `Adh bun Fur ā tun Wa Hadh ā Milĥun 'Ujā jun Wa Ja`ala Baynahumā Barzakh āan Wa Ĥij rā an Maĥjūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 53).
025.053 And He it is Who hath given independence to the two seas (though they meet); one palatable, sweet, and the other saltish, bitter; and hath set a bar and a forbidding ban between them.
وَهُوَ ا لَّذِي مَرَ جَ ا لْبَحْرَ يْ نِ هَذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَ ا تٌ وَهَذَا مِلْحٌ أُجَا جٌ وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخ اً وَحِجْ راً مَحْجُوراً
Wa Huwa A l-Ladh ī Kh alaq a Mina A l-Mā 'i Bash arā an Faja`alahu Nasabāan Wa Ş ihrā an ۗ Wa Kā na Ra bbuka Q adīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 54).
025.054 And He it is Who hath created man from water, and hath appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; for thy Lord is ever Powerful.
وَهُوَ ا لَّذِي خَ لَقَ مِنَ ا لْمَا ءِ بَشَراً فَجَعَلَهُ نَسَباً وَصِ هْراً ۗ وَكَا نَ رَ بُّكَ قَ دِير اً
Wa Ya`budū na Min Dū ni A ll ā hi Mā Lā Yan fa`uhum Wa Lā Yađurru hum ۗ Wa Kā na A l-Kāfir u `Alá Ra bbihi Ž ahīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 55).
025.055 Yet they worship instead of Allah that which can neither benefit them nor hurt them. The disbeliever was ever a partisan against his Lord.
وَيَعْبُدُو نَ مِن ْ دُو نِ ا للَّ هِ مَا لاَ يَن فَعُهُمْ وَلاَ يَضُ رُّهُمْ ۗ وَكَا نَ ا لْكَافِر ُعَلَى رَ بِّهِ ظَ هِير اً
Wa Mā 'Arsalnā ka 'Illā Mubash sh irā an Wa Nadh īrā an (Al-Furq ān : 56).
025.056 And We have sent thee (O Muhammad) only as a bearer of good tidings and a warner.
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا كَ إِلاَّ مُبَشِّر اً وَنَذِير اً
Q ul Mā 'As'alukum `Alay hi Min 'Aj r in 'Illā Man Sh ā 'a 'An Yattakh idh a 'Ilá Ra bbihi Sabīlāan (Al-Furq ān : 57).
025.057 Say: I ask of you no reward for this, save that whoso will may choose a way unto his Lord.
قُ لْ مَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْ هِ مِن ْ أَجْ رٍ إِلاَّ مَن ْ شَا ءَ أَن ْ يَتَّخِ ذَ إِلَى رَ بِّهِ سَبِيلاً
Wa Tawakkal `Alá A l-Ĥay yi A l-Ladh ī Lā Yamū tu Wa Sabbiĥ Biĥam dihi ۚ Wa Kafá Bihi Bidh unū bi `Ibādihi Kh abīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 58).
025.058 And trust thou in the Living One Who dieth not, and hymn His praise. He sufficeth as the Knower of His bondmen's sins,
وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى ا لْحَيِّ ا لَّذِي لاَ يَمُو تُ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِهِ ۚ وَكَفَى بِهِ بِذُنُو بِ عِبَادِهِ خَ بِير اً
Al-Ladh ī Kh alaq a A s-Samāwā ti Wa A l-'Arđa Wa Mā Baynahumā Fī Sittati 'Ayyā min Th umm a A stawá `Alá A l-`Arsh i ۚ A r-Ra ĥmā nu Fās'al Bihi Kh abīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 59).
025.059 Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days, then He mounted the Throne. The Beneficent! Ask anyone informed concerning Him!
ا لَّذِي خَ لَقَ ا ل سَّمَاوَا تِ وَا لأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّا مٍ ثُمّ َ ا سْتَوَى عَلَى ا لْعَرْشِ ۚ ا ل رَّ حْمَنُ فَاسْأَلْ بِهِ خَ بِير اً
Wa 'Idh ā Q ī la Lahum A sjudū Lilrra ĥmani Q ālū Wa Mā A r-Ra ĥmā nu 'Anasjudu Limā Ta'muru nā Wa Zādahum Nufūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 60).
025.060 And when it is said unto them: Adore the Beneficent! they say: And what is the Beneficent ? Are we to adore whatever thou (Muhammad) biddest us ? And it increaseth aversion in them.
وَإِذَا قِ ي لَ لَهُمْ ا سْجُدُوا لِل رَّ حْمَنِ قَ الُوا وَمَا ا ل رَّ حْمَنُ أَنَسْجُدُ لِمَا تَأْمُرُنَا وَزَادَهُمْ نُفُوراً
Tabāra ka A l-Ladh ī Ja`ala Fī A s-Samā 'i Burūjāan Wa Ja`ala Fīhā Sirā jāan Wa Q amarā an Munīrā an (Al-Furq ān : 61).
025.061 Blessed be He Who hath placed in the heaven mansions of the stars, and hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light!
تَبَارَ كَ ا لَّذِي جَعَلَ فِي ا ل سَّمَا ءِ بُرُوجاً وَجَعَلَ فِيهَا سِرَ اجاً وَقَ مَراً مُنِير اً
Wa Huwa A l-Ladh ī Ja`ala A l-Lay la Wa A n -Nahā ra Kh ilfatan Liman 'Ar ā da 'An Yadh dh akkara 'Aw 'Ar ā da Sh ukūrā an (Al-Furq ān : 62).
025.062 And He it is Who hath appointed night and day in succession, for him who desireth to remember, or desireth thankfulness.
وَهُوَ ا لَّذِي جَعَلَ ا ل لَّيْ لَ وَا ل نَّ هَا رَ خِ لْفَة ً لِمَن ْ أَرَ ا دَ أَن ْ يَذَّكَّرَ أَوْ أَرَ ا دَ شُكُوراً
Wa `Ibā du A r-Ra ĥmani A l-Ladh ī na Yam sh ū na `Alá A l-'Arđi Hawnāan Wa 'Idh ā Kh āţ abahumu A l-Jāhilū na Q ālū Salāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 63).
025.063 The (faithful) slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth modestly, and when the foolish ones address them answer: Peace;
وَعِبَا دُ ا ل رَّ حْمَنِ ا لَّذِي نَ يَمْشُو نَ عَلَى ا لأَرْضِ هَوْناً وَإِذَا خَ اطَ بَهُمُ ا لْجَاهِلُو نَ قَ الُوا سَلاَماً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na Yabītū na Lira bbihim Sujjadāan Wa Q iyāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 64).
025.064 And who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing,
وَالَّذِي نَ يَبِيتُو نَ لِرَ بِّهِمْ سُجَّداً وَقِ يَاماً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na Yaq ūlū na Ra bbanā A ş r if `Ann ā `Adh ā ba Jahann ama ۖ 'Inn a `Adh ābahā Kā na Gh arā māan (Al-Furq ān : 65).
025.065 And who say: Our Lord! Avert from us the doom of hell; lo! the doom thereof is anguish;
وَالَّذِي نَ يَقُ ولُو نَ رَ بَّنَا ا صْ رِ فْ عَنَّ ا عَذَا بَ جَهَنَّ مَ ۖ إِنّ َ عَذَابَهَا كَا نَ غَ رَ اماً
'Inn ahā Sā 'at Mustaq arrā an Wa Muq āmāan (Al-Furq ān : 66).
025.066 Lo! it is wretched as abode and station;
إِنَّ هَا سَا ءَتْ مُسْتَقَ رّاً وَمُقَ اماً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na 'Idh ā 'An faq ū Lam Yusr ifū Wa Lam Yaq turū Wa Kā na Bay na Dh ālika Q awāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 67).
025.067 And those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal nor grudging; and there is ever a firm station between the two;
وَالَّذِي نَ إِذَا أَن فَقُ وا لَمْ يُسْرِ فُوا وَلَمْ يَقْ تُرُوا وَكَا نَ بَيْ نَ ذَلِكَ قَ وَاماً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na Lā Yad `ū na Ma`a A ll āhi 'Ilahāan 'Ākh ara Wa Lā Yaq tulū na A n -Nafsa A llatī Ĥarra ma A ll āhu 'Illā Bil-Ĥaq q i Wa Lā Yaznū na ۚ Wa Man Yaf`al Dh ālika Yalq a 'Ath āmāan (Al-Furq ān : 68).
025.068 And those who cry not unto any other god along with Allah, nor take the life which Allah hath forbidden save in (course of) justice, nor commit adultery - and whoso doeth this shall pay the penalty;
وَالَّذِي نَ لاَ يَدْ عُو نَ مَعَ ا للَّ هِ إِلَهاً آخَ رَ وَلاَ يَقْ تُلُو نَ ا ل نَّ فْسَ ا لَّتِي حَرَّ مَ ا للَّ هُ إِلاَّ بِا لْحَقِّ وَلاَ يَزْنُو نَ ۚ وَمَن ْ يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ يَلْقَ أَثَاماً
Yuđā`af Lahu A l-`Adh ā bu Yaw ma A l-Q iyāmati Wa Yakh lud Fī hi Muhānāan (Al-Furq ān : 69).
025.069 The doom will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein disdained for ever;
يُضَ اعَفْ لَهُ ا لْعَذَا بُ يَوْ مَ ا لْقِ يَامَةِ وَيَخْ لُدْ فِي هِ مُهَاناً
'Illā Man Tā ba Wa 'Āmana Wa `Amila `Amalāan Ş āliĥāan Fa'ūlā 'ika Yubaddilu A ll āhu Sayyi'ā tihim Ĥasanā tin ۗ Wa Kā na A ll āhu Gh afūrā an Ra ĥīmāan (Al-Furq ān : 70).
025.070 Save him who repenteth and believeth and doth righteous work; as for such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
إِلاَّ مَن ْ تَا بَ وَآمَنَ وَعَمِلَ عَمَلاً صَ الِحاً فَأُ وْلَا ئِكَ يُبَدِّلُ ا للَّ هُ سَيِّئَ اتِهِمْ حَسَنَا تٍ ۗ وَكَا نَ ا للَّ هُ غَ فُوراً رَ حِيماً
Wa Man Tā ba Wa `Amila Ş āliĥāan Fa'inn ahu Yatū bu 'Ilá A ll āhi Matābāan (Al-Furq ān : 71).
025.071 And whosoever repenteth and doeth good, he verily repenteth toward Allah with true repentance -
وَمَن ْ تَا بَ وَعَمِلَ صَ الِحاً فَإِنَّ هُ يَتُو بُ إِلَى ا للَّ هِ مَتَاباً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na Lā Yash /hadū na A z-Zū ra Wa 'Idh ā Marrū Bil-Lagh wi Ma rrū Kirā māan (Al-Furq ān : 72).
025.072 And those who will not witness vanity, but when they pass near senseless play, pass by with dignity.
وَالَّذِي نَ لاَ يَشْهَدُو نَ ا ل زُّو رَ وَإِذَا مَرُّوا بِا ل لَّغْ وِ مَرُّوا كِرَ اماً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na 'Idh ā Dh ukkirū Bi'ā yā ti Ra bbihim Lam Yakh ir rū `Alayhā Ş umm āan Wa `Um yānāan (Al-Furq ān : 73).
025.073 And those who, when they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord, fall not deaf and blind thereat.
وَالَّذِي نَ إِذَا ذُكِّرُوا بِآيَا تِ رَ بِّهِمْ لَمْ يَخِ ر ُّوا عَلَيْهَا صُ مّ اً وَعُمْيَاناً
Wa A l-Ladh ī na Yaq ūlū na Ra bbanā Hab Lanā Min 'Azwājinā Wa Dh urr īyātinā Q urra ta 'A`yunin Wa A j `alnā Lilmuttaq ī na 'Imāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 74).
025.074 And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
وَالَّذِي نَ يَقُ ولُو نَ رَ بَّنَا هَب ْ لَنَا مِن ْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُ رَّ ةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَا جْ عَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِ ي نَ إِمَاماً
'Ūlā 'ika Yuj zaw na A l-Gh urfata Bimā Ş abarū Wa Yulaq q aw na Fīhā Taĥīyatan Wa Salāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 75).
025.075 They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the ward of peace,
أُ وْلَا ئِكَ يُجْ زَوْ نَ ا لْغُ رْفَةَ بِمَا صَ بَرُوا وَيُلَقَّ وْ نَ فِيهَا تَحِيَّةً وَسَلاَماً
Kh ālidī na Fīhā ۚ Ĥasunat Mustaq arrā an Wa Muq āmāan (Al-Furq ān : 76).
025.076 Abiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station!
خَ الِدِي نَ فِيهَا ۚ حَسُنَتْ مُسْتَقَ رّاً وَمُقَ اماً
Q ul Mā Ya`ba'u Bikum Ra bbī Lawlā Du`ā 'uukum ۖ Faq ad Kadh dh ab tum Fasaw fa Yakū nu Lizāmāan (Al-Furq ān : 77).
025.077 Say (O Muhammad, unto the disbelievers): My Lord would not concern Himself with you but for your prayer. But now ye have denied (the Truth), therefor there will be judgment.
قُ لْ مَا يَعْبَأُ بِكُمْ رَ بِّي لَوْلاَ دُعَا ؤُكُمْ ۖ فَقَ دْ كَذَّبْ تُمْ فَسَوْ فَ يَكُو نُ لِزَاماً
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