Al-Ĥāqqahu | The Reality (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)! (Al-Haqqah 69:1) |
Mā Al-Ĥāqqahu | What is the Reality? (Al-Haqqah 69:2) |
Wa Mā 'Adrāka Mā Al-Ĥāqqahu | And what will make you know what the Reality is? (Al-Haqqah 69:3) |
Kadhdhabat Thamūdu Wa `Ādun Bil-Qāri`ahi | Thamûd and 'Ad people denied the Qāri'ah [the striking Hour (of Judgement)]! (Al-Haqqah 69:4) |
Fa'ammā Thamūdu Fa'uhlikū Biţ-Ţāghiyahi | As for Thamûd, they were destroyed by the awful cry! (Al-Haqqah 69:5) |
Wa 'Ammā `Ādun Fa'uhlikū Birīĥin Şarşarin `Ātiyahin | And as for 'Ad, they were destroyed by a furious violent wind; (Al-Haqqah 69:6) |
Sakhkharahā `Alayhim Sab`a Layālin Wa Thamāniyata 'Ayyāmin Ĥusūmāan Fatará Al-Qawma Fīhā Şar`á Ka'annahum 'A`jāzu Nakhlin Khāwiyahin | Which Allāh imposed on them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so that you could see men lying overthrown (destroyed), as if they were hollow trunks of date-palms! (Al-Haqqah 69:7) |
Fahal Tará Lahum Min Bāqiyahin | Do you see any remnants of them? (Al-Haqqah 69:8) |
Wa Jā'a Fir`awnu Wa Man Qablahu Wa Al-Mu'utafikātu Bil-Khāţi'ahi | And Fir'aun (Pharaoh), and those before him, and the cities overthrown [the towns of the people of [Lout (Lot)] committed sin, (Al-Haqqah 69:9) |
Fa`aşaw Rasūla Rabbihim Fa'akhadhahum 'Akhdhatan Rābiyahan | And they disobeyed their Lord's Messenger, so He punished them with a strong punishment. (Al-Haqqah 69:10) |
'Innā Lammā Ţaghá Al-Mā'u Ĥamalnākum Fī Al-Jāriyahi | Verily! When the water rose beyond its limits [Nûh's (Noah) Flood], We carried you (mankind) in the floating [ship that was constructed by Nûh (Noah)]. (Al-Haqqah 69:11) |
Linaj`alahā Lakum Tadhkiratan Wa Ta`iyahā 'Udhunun Wā`iyahun | That We might make it a remembrance for you, and the keen ear (person) may (hear and) understand it. (Al-Haqqah 69:12) |
Fa'idhā Nufikha Fī Aş-Şūri Nafkhatun Wāĥidahun | Then when the Trumpet will be blown with one blowing (the first one), (Al-Haqqah 69:13) |
Wa Ĥumilati Al-'Arđu Wa Al-Jibālu Fadukkatā Dakkatan Wāĥidahan | And the earth and the mountains shall be removed from their places, and crushed with a single crushing, (Al-Haqqah 69:14) |
Fayawma'idhin Waqa`ati Al-Wāqi`ahu | Then on that Day shall the (Great) Event befall, (Al-Haqqah 69:15) |
Wa Anshaqqati As-Samā'u Fahiya Yawma'idhin Wa Ahiyahun | And the heaven will split asunder, for that Day it (the heaven will be frail (weak), and torn up, (Al-Haqqah 69:16) |
Wa Al-Malaku `Alá 'Arjā'ihā Wa Yaĥmilu `Arsha Rabbika Fawqahum Yawma'idhin Thamāniyahun | And the angels will be on its sides, and eight angels will, that Day, bear the Throne of your Lord above them. (Al-Haqqah 69:17) |
Yawma'idhin Tu`rađūna Lā Takhfá Minkum Khāfiyahun | That Day shall you be brought to Judgement, not a secret of you will be hidden. (Al-Haqqah 69:18) |
Fa'ammā Man 'Ūtiya Kitābahu Biyamīnihi Fayaqūlu Hā'uum Aqra'ū Kitābī | Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand will say: "Take, read my Record! (Al-Haqqah 69:19) |
'Innī Žanantu 'Annī Mulāqin Ĥisābiyah | "Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my Account!" (Al-Haqqah 69:20) |
Fahuwa Fī `Īshatin Rāđiyahin | So he shall be in a life, well-pleasing. (Al-Haqqah 69:21) |
Fī Jannatin `Āliyahin | In a lofty Paradise, (Al-Haqqah 69:22) |
Quţūfuhā Dāniyahun | The fruits in bunches whereof will be low and near at hand. (Al-Haqqah 69:23) |
Kulū Wa Ashrabū Hanī'āan Bimā 'Aslaftum Fī Al-'Ayyāmi Al-Khāliyahi | Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past! (Al-Haqqah 69:24) |
Wa 'Ammā Man 'Ūtiya Kitābahu Bishimālihi Fayaqūlu Yā Laytanī Lam 'Ūta Kitābīh | But as for him who will be given his Record in his left hand, will say: "I wish that I had not been given my Record! (Al-Haqqah 69:25) |
Wa Lam 'Adri Mā Ĥisābīh | "And that I had never known, how my Account is? (Al-Haqqah 69:26) |
Yā Laytahā Kānati Al-Qāđiyaha | "I wish, would that it had been my end (death)! (Al-Haqqah 69:27) |
Mā 'Aghná `Annī Mālīh | "My wealth has not availed me, (Al-Haqqah 69:28) |
Halaka `Annī Sulţānīh | "My power and arguments (to defend myself) have gone from me!" (Al-Haqqah 69:29) |
Khudhūhu Faghullūhu | (It will be said): "Seize him and fetter him, (Al-Haqqah 69:30) |
Thumma Al-Jaĥīma Şallūhu | Then throw him in the blazing Fire. (Al-Haqqah 69:31) |
Thumma Fī Silsilatin Dhar`uhā Sab`ūna Dhirā`āan Fāslukūhu | "Then fasten him with a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits!" (Al-Haqqah 69:32) |
'Innahu Kāna Lā Yu'uminu Bil-Lahi Al-`Ažīmi | Verily, He used not to believe in Allāh, the Most Great, (Al-Haqqah 69:33) |
Wa Lā Yaĥuđđu `Alá Ţa`āmi Al-Miskīni | And urged not on the feeding of AlMiskīn (the poor), (Al-Haqqah 69:34) |
Falaysa Lahu Al-Yawma Hāhunā Ĥamīmun | So no friend has he here this Day, (Al-Haqqah 69:35) |
Wa Lā Ţa`āmun 'Illā Min Ghislīnin | Nor any food except filth from the washing of wounds, (Al-Haqqah 69:36) |
Lā Ya'kuluhu 'Illā Al-Khāţi'ūna | None will eat except the Khāti'ûn (sinners, disbelievers, polytheists, etc.). (Al-Haqqah 69:37) |
Falā 'Uqsimu Bimā Tubşirūna | So I swear by whatsoever you see, (Al-Haqqah 69:38) |
Wa Mā Lā Tubşirūna | And by whatsoever you see not, (Al-Haqqah 69:39) |
'Innahu Laqawlu Rasūlin Karīmin | That this is verily the word of an honoured Messenger [i.e. Jibrael (Gabriel) or Muhammad SAW which he has brought from Allāh]. (Al-Haqqah 69:40) |
Wa Mā Huwa Biqawli Shā`irin Qalīlāan Mā Tu'uminūna | It is not the word of a poet, little is that you believe! (Al-Haqqah 69:41) |
Wa Lā Biqawli Kāhinin Qalīlāan Mā Tadhakkarūna | Nor is it the word of a soothsayer (or a foreteller), little is that you remember! (Al-Haqqah 69:42) |
Tanzīlun Min Rabbi Al-`Ālamīna | This is the Revelation sent down from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (Al-Haqqah 69:43) |
Wa Law Taqawwala `Alaynā Ba`đa Al-'Aqāwīli | And if he (Muhammad SAW) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allāh), (Al-Haqqah 69:44) |
La'akhadhnā Minhu Bil-Yamīni | We surely should have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might), (Al-Haqqah 69:45) |
Thumma Laqaţa`nā Minhu Al-Watīna | And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta), (Al-Haqqah 69:46) |
Famā Minkum Min 'Aĥadin `Anhu Ĥājizīna | And none of you could withhold Us from (punishing) him. (Al-Haqqah 69:47) |
Wa 'Innahu Latadhkiratun Lilmuttaqīna | And verily, this Qur'ān is a Reminder for the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2). (Al-Haqqah 69:48) |
Wa 'Innā Lana`lamu 'Anna Minkum Mukadhdhibīna | And verily, We know that there are some among you that belie (this Qur'ān). [Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol. 29, Page 68] (Al-Haqqah 69:49) |
Wa 'Innahu Laĥasratun `Alá Al-Kāfirīna | And indeed it (this Qur'ān) will be an anguish for the disbelievers (on the Day of Resurrection). (Al-Haqqah 69:50) |
Wa 'Innahu Laĥaqqu Al-Yaqīni | And Verily, it (this Qur'ān) is an absolute truth with certainty. (Al-Haqqah 69:51) |
Fasabbiĥ Biāsmi Rabbika Al-`Ažīmi | So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great. (Al-Haqqah 69:52) |