029.008 We have enjoined on man kindness to parents; but if they strive to make thee join with Me that of which thou hast no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what ye used to do.
Wa Mina An-Nāsi Man Yaqūlu 'Āmannā Billāhi Fa'idhā 'Ūdhiya Fī Al-Lahi Ja`ala Fitnata An-Nāsi Ka`adhābi Allāhi Wa La'in Jā'a Naşrun MinRabbika Layaqūlunna 'Innā Kunnā Ma`akum ۚ 'Awalaysa Allāhu Bi'a`lama Bimā Fī Şudūri Al-`Ālamīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 10).
029.010 Of mankind is he who saith: We believe in Allah, but, if he be made to suffer for the sake of Allah, he mistaketh the persecution of mankind for Allah's punishment; and then, if victory cometh from thy Lord, will say: Lo! we were with you (all the while). Is not Allah Best Aware of what is in the bosoms of (His) creatures ?
Wa Qāla Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Lilladhīna 'Āmanū Attabi`ū Sabīlanā Wa Lnaĥmil Khaţāyākum Wa Mā Hum Biĥāmilīna Min Khaţāyāhum MinShay'in ۖ 'Innahum Lakādhibūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 12).
029.012 Those who disbelieve say unto those who believe: Follow our way (of religion) and we verily will bear your sins (for you). They cannot bear aught of their sins. Lo! they verily are liars.
Wa Layaĥmilunna 'Athqālahum Wa 'Athqālāan Ma`a 'Athqālihim ۖ Wa Layus'alunna Yawma Al-Qiyāmati `Ammā Kānū Yaftarūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 13).
029.013 But they verily will bear their own loads and other loads beside their own, and they verily will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection concerning that which they invented.
Wa Laqad 'Arsalnā Nūĥāan 'Ilá Qawmihi Falabitha Fīhim 'Alfa Sanatin 'Illā Khamsīna `Āmāan Fa'akhadhahumu Aţ-Ţūfānu Wa HumŽālimūn (Al-`Ankabūt: 14).
029.014 And verily we sent Noah (as Our messenger) unto his folk, and he continued with them for a thousand years save fifty years; and the flood engulfed them, for they were wrong-doers.
'Innamā Ta`budūna Min Dūni Allāhi 'Awthānāan Wa Takhluqūna 'Ifkāan ۚ 'Inna Al-Ladhīna Ta`budūna Min Dūni Allāhi Lā Yamlikūna LakumRizqāan Fābtaghū `Inda Allāhi Ar-Rizqa Wa A`budūhu Wa Ashkurū Lahu ۖ 'Ilayhi Turja`ūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 17).
029.017 Ye serve instead of Allah only idols, and ye only invent a lie. Lo! those whom ye serve instead of Allah own no provision for you. So seek your provision from Allah, and serve Him, and give thanks unto Him, (for) unto Him ye will be brought back.
029.020 Say (O Muhammad): Travel in the land and see how He originated creation, then Allah bringeth forth the later growth. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things.
Wa Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Bi'āyāti Allāhi Wa Liqā'ihi 'Ūlā'ika Ya'isū MinRaĥmatī Wa 'Ūlā'ika Lahum `Adhābun 'Alīmun (Al-`Ankabūt: 23).
029.023 Those who disbelieve in the revelations of Allah and in (their) Meeting with Him, such have no hope of My mercy. For such there is a painful doom.
029.024 But the answer of his folk was only that they said: "Kill him" or "Burn him." Then Allah saved him from the Fire. Lo! herein verily are portents for folk who believe.
Wa Qāla 'Innamā Attakhadhtum Min Dūni Allāhi 'Awthānāan Mawaddata Baynikum Fī Al-Ĥayāati Ad-Dunyā ۖ Thumma Yawma Al-Qiyāmati Yakfuru Ba`đukum Biba`đin Wa Yal`anu Ba`đukum Ba`đāan Wa Ma'w7kumu An-Nāru Wa Mā Lakum Min Nāşirīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 25).
029.025 He said: Ye have chosen only idols instead of Allah. The love between you is only in the life of the world. Then on the Day of Resurrection ye will deny each other and curse each other, and your abode will be the Fire, and ye will have no helpers.
Wa Wahabnā Lahu 'Isĥāqa Wa Ya`qūba Wa Ja`alnā Fī Dhurrīyatihi An-Nubūwata Wa Al-Kitāba Wa 'Ātaynāhu 'Ajrahu Fī ۖ Ad-Dunyā Wa 'Innahu Fī Al-'Ākhirati Lamina Aş-Şāliĥīn (Al-`Ankabūt: 27).
029.027 And We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and We established the prophethood and the Scripture among his seed, and We gave him his reward in the world, and lo! in the Hereafter he verily is among the righteous.
'A'innakum Lata'tūna Ar-Rijāla Wa Taqţa`ūna As-Sabīla Wa Ta'tūna Fī Nādīkumu Al-Munkara ۖ Famā Kāna Jawāba Qawmihi 'Illā 'AnQālū A'tinā Bi`adhābi Allāhi 'In Kunta Mina Aş-Şādiqīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 29).
029.029 For come ye not in unto males, and cut ye not the road (for travellers), and commit ye not abomination in your meetings ? But the answer of his folk was only that they said: Bring Allah's doom upon us if thou art a truthteller!
029.031 And when Our messengers brought Abraham the good news, they said: Lo! we are about to destroy the people of that township, for its people are wrong-doers.
029.032 He said: Lo! Lot is there. They said: We are best aware of who is there. We are to deliver him and his household, all save his wife, who is of those who stay behind.
Wa Lammā 'An Jā'at Rusulunā Lūţāan Sī'a Bihim Wa Đāqa BihimDhar`āan Wa Qālū Lā Takhaf Wa Lā Taĥzan ۖ 'Innā Munajjūka Wa 'Ahlaka 'Illā Amra'ataka Kānat Mina Al-Ghābirīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 33).
029.033 And when Our messengers came unto Lot, he was troubled upon their account, for he could not protect them; but they said: Fear not, nor grieve! Lo! we are to deliver thee and thy household, (all) save thy wife, who is of those who stay behind.
Wa 'Ilá Madyana 'AkhāhumShu`aybāan Faqāla Yā Qawmi A`budū Allaha Wa Arjū Al-Yawma Al-'Ākhira Wa Lā Ta`thawā Fī Al-'Arđi Mufsidīn (Al-`Ankabūt: 36).
029.036 And unto Midian We sent Shu'eyb, their brother. He said: O my people! Serve Allah, and look forward to the Last Day, and do not evil, making mischief, in the earth.
Wa `Ādāan Wa Thamūda Wa Qad Tabayyana Lakum Min Masākinihim ۖ Wa Zayyana Lahumu Ash-Shayţānu 'A`mālahum Faşaddahum `Ani As-Sabīli Wa Kānū Mustabşirīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 38).
029.038 And (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud! (Their fate) is manifest unto you from their (ruined and deserted) dwellings. Satan made their deeds seem fair unto them and so debarred them from the Way, though they were keen observers.
Wa Qārūna Wa Fir`awna Wa Hāmāna ۖ Wa Laqad Jā'ahum Mūsá Bil-Bayyināti Fāstakbarū Fī Al-'Arđi Wa Mā Kānū Sābiqīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 39).
029.039 And Korah, Pharaoh and Haman! Moses came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but they were boastful in the land. And they were not winners (in the race).
Fakullāan 'Akhadhnā Bidhanbihi ۖ Faminhum Man 'Arsalnā `Alayhi Ĥāşibāan Wa Minhum Man 'Akhadhat/hu Aş-Şayĥatu Wa Minhum Man Khasafnā Bihi Al-'Arđa Wa Minhum Man 'Aghraqnā ۚ Wa Mā Kāna Allāhu Liyažlimahum Wa Lakin Kānū 'Anfusahum Yažlimūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 40).
029.040 So We took each one in his sin; of them was he on whom We sent a hurricane, and of them was he who was overtaken by the (Awful) Cry, and of them was he whom We caused the earth to swallow, and of them was he whom We drowned. It was not for Allah to wrong them, but they wronged themselves.
Mathalu Al-Ladhīna Attakhadhū Min Dūni Allāhi 'Awliyā'a Kamathali Al-`Ankabūti Attakhadhat Baytāan ۖ Wa 'Inna 'Awhana Al-Buyūti Labaytu Al-`Ankabūti ۖ Law Kānū Ya`lamūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 41).
029.041 The likeness of those who choose other patrons than Allah is as the likeness of the spider when she taketh unto herself a house, and lo! the frailest of all houses is the spider's house, if they but knew.
Atlu Mā 'Ūĥiya 'Ilayka Mina Al-Kitābi Wa 'Aqimu Aş-Şalāata ۖ 'Inna Aş-Şalāata Tanhá `Ani Al-Faĥshā'i Wa Al-Munkari ۗ Wa Ladhikru Allāhi 'Akbaru ۗ Wa Allāhu Ya`lamu Mā Taşna`ūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 45).
029.045 Recite that which hath been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish worship. Lo! worship preserveth from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important. And Allah knoweth what ye do.
Wa Lā Tujādilū 'Ahla Al-Kitābi 'Illā Bi-Atī Hiya 'Aĥsanu 'Illā Al-Ladhīna Žalamū Minhum ۖ Wa Qūlū 'Āmannā Bial-Ladhī 'Unzila 'Ilaynā Wa 'Unzila 'Ilaykum Wa 'Ilahunā Wa 'Ilahukum Wāĥidun Wa Naĥnu Lahu Muslimūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 46).
029.046 And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender.
Wa Kadhalika 'Anzalnā 'Ilayka Al-Kitāba ۚ Fa-Al-Ladhīna 'Ātaynāhumu Al-Kitāba Yu'uminūna Bihi ۖ Wa Min Hā'uulā' Man Yu'uminu Bihi ۚ Wa Mā Yajĥadu Bi'āyātinā 'Illā Al-Kāfirūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 47).
029.047 In like manner We have revealed unto thee the Scripture, and those unto whom We gave the Scripture aforetime will believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein. And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers.
Wa Mā Kunta Tatlū MinQablihi Min Kitābin Wa Lā Takhuţţuhu Biyamīnika ۖ 'Idhāan Lārtāba Al-Mubţilūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 48).
029.048 And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood.
029.051 Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them ? Lo! herein verily is mercy, and a reminder for folk who believe.
Qul Kafá Billāhi Bayn99 Wa BaynakumShahīdāan ۖ Ya`lamu Mā Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi ۗ Wa Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Bil-Bāţili Wa Kafarū Billāhi 'Ūlā'ika Humu Al-Khāsirūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 52).
029.052 Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Allah sufficeth for witness between me and you. He knoweth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth. And those who believe in vanity and disbelieve in Allah, they it is who are the losers.
Wa Yasta`jilūnaka Bil-`Adhābi ۚ Wa Lawlā 'Ajalun Musamman Lajā'ahumu Al-`Adhābu Wa Laya'tiyannahum Baghtatan Wa Hum Lā Yash`urūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 53).
029.053 They bid thee hasten on the doom (of Allah). And if a term had not been appointed, the doom would assuredly have come unto them (ere now). And verily it will come upon them suddenly when they perceive not.
Wa Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Lanubawwi'annahum Mina Al-Jannati Ghurafāan Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'AnhāruKhālidīna Fīhā ۚ Ni`ma 'Ajru Al-`Āmilīna (Al-`Ankabūt: 58).
029.058 Those who believe and do good works, them verily We shall house in lofty dwellings of the Garden underneath which rivers flow. There they will dwell secure. How sweet the guerdon of the toilers,
Wa La'in Sa'altahum Man Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Wa Sakhkhara Ash-Shamsa Wa Al-Qamara Layaqūlunna Allāhu ۖ Fa'annā Yu'ufakūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 61).
029.061 And if thou wert to ask them: Who created the heavens and the earth, and constrained the sun and the moon (to their appointed work) ? they would say: Allah. How then are they turned away ?
Wa La'in Sa'altahum Man Nazzala Mina As-Samā'i Mā'an Fa'aĥyā Bihi Al-'Arđa Min Ba`di Mawtihā Layaqūlunna Allāhu ۚ Quli Al-Ĥamdu Lillāh ۚ Bal 'Aktharuhum Lā Ya`qilūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 63).
029.063 And if thou wert to ask them: Who causeth water to come down from the sky, and therewith reviveth the earth after its death ? they verily would say: Allah. Say: Praise be to Allah! But most of them have no sense.
029.065 And when they mount upon the ships they pray to Allah, making their faith pure for Him only, but when He bringeth them safe to land, behold! they ascribe partners (unto Him),
'Awalam Yarawā 'Annā Ja`alnā Ĥaramāan 'Āmināan Wa Yutakhaţţafu An-Nāsu Min Ĥawlihim ۚ 'Afabiālbāţili Yu'uminūna Wa Bini`mati Allāhi Yakfurūna (Al-`Ankabūt: 67).
029.067 Have they not seen that We have appointed a sanctuary immune (from violence), while mankind are ravaged all around them ? Do they then believe in falsehood and disbelieve in the bounty of Allah ?
029.068 Who doeth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie concerning Allah, or denieth the truth when it cometh unto him ? Is not there a home in hell for disbelievers ?