Gh Th Dh Sh
غ ث ذ ش
r Paris in French three mother sh
a i u '
ـَ ـِ ـُ ء
but bit put a
Ş ş Đ đ Ţ ţ q
ص ض ط ق
bus dull tumble car
Ā ā Ī ī Ū ū á
ـَا ـِي ـُو ى
bad beat friut the
` Say a-a-a-ah and try to raise the lower part of your throat in order to narrow the passage through which the air is expelled.
Ĥ ĥ Produced by expelling the air through a narrowed throat in much the same way as when one tries to clear one's throat.
Ž ž Start with the th sound in mother, then raise your tongue as much possible to produce the ž.
kh The sound of ch in Scottish loch, but rougher.