يَمُ‍‍ن‍ّ‍‍ُ‍و‍نَ عَلَيْكَ أَنْ أَسْلَمُو‍‍ا‍ قُ‍‍ل‍ْ لاَ تَمُ‍‍ن‍ّ‍‍ُو‍‍ا‍ عَلَيَّ إِسْلاَمَكُ‍‍م‍ْ بَلِ ا‍للَّهُ يَمُ‍‍ن‍ّ‍‍ُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَنْ هَدَاكُمْ لِلإِيم‍‍َ‍ا‍نِ إِ‍ن‍ْ كُ‍‍ن‍تُمْ صَادِق‍‍ِ‍ي‍نَ

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049.017 They impress on thee as a favour that they have embraced Islam. Say, "Count not your Islam as a favour upon me: Nay, God has conferred a favour upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if ye be true and sincere.