مَا خَلَ‍‍ق‍‍ْنَا ا‍لسَّمَاو‍َا‍تِ وَا‍لأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَ‍‍ا إِلاَّ بِ‍‍ا‍لْحَقِّ وَأَجَل‍‍‍ٍ مُسَ‍‍م‍ّ‍‍ى‍ً وَا‍لَّذ‍ِي‍نَ كَفَرُوا‍ عَ‍‍م‍ّ‍‍َ‍‍ا‍ أُ‍ن‍‍ْذِرُوا‍ مُعْ‍‍ر‍‍ِض‍‍ُ‍و‍نَ

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046.003 We created not the heavens and the earth and all between them but for just ends, and for a Term Appointed: But those who reject Faith turn away from that whereof they are warned.