وَكَذَلِكَ أَوْحَيْنَ‍‍ا إِلَيْكَ رُوحا‍ً مِنْ أَمْ‍‍ر‍‍ِنَا مَا كُ‍‍ن‍‍ْتَ تَ‍‍د‍‍ْ‍ر‍‍ِي مَا ا‍لْكِت‍‍َ‍ا‍بُ وَلاَ ا‍لإِيم‍‍َ‍ا‍نُ وَلَكِ‍‍ن‍ْ جَعَلْن‍‍َ‍ا‍هُ نُورا‍ً نَهْدِي بِهِ مَ‍‍ن‍ْ نَش‍‍َ‍ا‍ءُ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا وَإِ‍نّ‍‍َكَ لَتَهْدِي إِلَى صِر‍َا‍ط‍‍‍ٍ مُسْتَق‍‍ِ‍ي‍م‍‍‍ٍ

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042.052 And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur'an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way,-