فَأَصْبَحَ فِي ا‍لْمَدِينَةِ خ‍‍َ‍ا‍ئِفا‍ً يَتَرَقَّبُ فَإِذَا ا‍لَّذِي ا‍سْتَ‍‍ن‍صَرَهُ بِ‍‍ا‍لأَمْسِ يَسْتَصْ‍‍ر‍‍ِخُهُ ق‍‍َ‍ا‍لَ لَهُ مُوسَى إِ‍نّ‍‍َكَ لَغَوِيّ‍‍‍ٌ مُب‍‍ِ‍ي‍ن‍‍‍ٌ

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028.018 So he saw the morning in the city, looking about, in a state of fear, when behold, the man who had, the day before, sought his help called aloud for his help (again). Moses said to him: "Thou art truly, it is clear, a quarrelsome fellow!"