وَاسْتَبَقَا ا‍لْب‍‍َ‍ا‍بَ وَقَدَّتْ قَمِيصَهُ مِ‍‍ن‍ْ دُبُر‍ٍ وَأَلْفَيَا سَيِّدَهَا لَدَى ا‍لْب‍‍َ‍ا‍بِ قَالَتْ مَا جَز‍َا‍ءُ مَنْ أَر‍َا‍دَ بِأَهْلِكَ س‍‍ُ‍و‍ءا‍ً إِلاَّ أَ‍ن‍ْ يُسْجَنَ أَوْ عَذ‍َا‍بٌ أَل‍‍ِ‍ي‍م‍‍‍ٌ

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012.025 So they both raced each other to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back: they both found her lord near the door. She said: "What is the (fitting) punishment for one who formed an evil design against thy wife, but prison or a grievous chastisement?"