إِلاَّ ا‍لَّذ‍ِي‍نَ تَابُو‍‍ا‍ وَأَصْلَحُو‍‍ا‍ وَا‍عْتَصَمُو‍‍ا‍ بِ‍‍ا‍للَّهِ وَأَخْلَصُو‍‍ا‍ دِينَهُمْ لِلَّهِ فَأ‍ُ‍وْل‍‍َ‍ا‍ئِكَ مَعَ ا‍لْمُؤْمِن‍‍ِ‍ي‍نَ وَسَوْفَ يُؤْتِ ا‍للَّهُ ا‍لْمُؤْمِن‍‍ِ‍ي‍نَ أَ‍ج‍‍ْراً عَظِيما‍ً

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004.146 Except for those who repent, mend (their lives) hold fast to God, and purify their religion as in God's sight: if so they will be (numbered) with the believers. And soon will God grant to the believers a reward of immense value.