Fāşbir Kamā Şabara 'Ū Al-`Azmi Mina Ar-Rusuli Wa Lā Tasta`jil Lahum Ka'annahum Yawma Yarawna Mā Yū`adūna Lam Yalbathū 'Illā Sā`atan Min Nahārin Balāghun Fahal Yuhlaku 'Illā Al-Qawmu Al-Fāsiqūna (Al-'Aĥqāf: 35).

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046.035 Therefore patiently persevere, as did (all) apostles of inflexible purpose; and be in no haste about the (Unbelievers). On the Day that they see the (Punishment) promised them, (it will be) as if they had not tarried more than an hour in a single day. (Thine but) to proclaim the Message: but shall any be destroyed except those who transgress?