Wa Laqad Makkannāhum Fīmā 'In Makkannākum Fīhi Wa Ja`alnā Lahum Sam`āan Wa 'Abşārāan Wa 'Af'idatan Famā 'Aghná `Anhum Sam`uhum Wa Lā 'Abşāruhum Wa Lā 'Af'idatuhum Min Shay'in 'Idh Kānū Yajĥadūna Bi'āyāti Allāhi Wa Ĥāqa Bihim Mā Kānū Bihi Yastahzi'ūn (Al-'Aĥqāf: 26).

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046.026 And We had firmly established them in a (prosperity and) power which We have not given to you (ye Quraish!) and We had endowed them with (faculties of) hearing, seeing, heart and intellect: but of no profit to them were their (faculties of) hearing, sight, and heart and intellect, when they went on rejecting the Signs of God; and they were (completely) encircled by that which they used to mock at!