Qul 'Ara'aytum 'In Kāna Min `Indi Allāhi Wa Kafartum Bihi Wa Shahida Shāhidun Min Banī 'Isrā'īla `Alá Mithlihi Fa'āmana Wa Astakbartum 'Inna Allāha Lā Yahdī Al-Qawma Až-Žālimīna (Al-'Aĥqāf: 10).

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046.010 Say: "See ye? If (this teaching) be from God, and ye reject it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity (with earlier scripture), and has believed while ye are arrogant, (how unjust ye are!) truly, God guides not a people unjust."