Wa Mā Tafarraqū 'Illā Min Ba`di Mā Jā'ahumu Al-`Ilmu Baghyāan Baynahum Wa Lawlā Kalimatun Sabaqat Min Rabbika 'Ilá 'Ajalin Musamman Laquđiya Baynahum Wa 'Inna Al-Ladhīna 'Ūrithū Al-Kitāba Min Ba`dihim Lafī Shakkin Minhu Murībin (Ash-Shūrá: 14).

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042.014 And they became divided only after Knowledge reached them,- through selfish envy as between themselves. Had it not been for a Word that went forth before from thy Lord, (tending) to a Term appointed, the matter would have been settled between them: But truly those who have inherited the Book after them are in suspicious (disquieting) doubt concerning it.