Wa Laqad Jā'akum Yūsufu Min Qablu Bil-Bayyināti Famā ZiltumShakkin Mimmā Jā'akum Bihi Ĥattá 'Idhā Halaka Qultum Lan Yab`atha Allāhu Min Ba`dihi Rasūlāan Kadhālika Yuđillu Allāhu Man Huwa Musrifun Murtābun (Ghāfir: 34).

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040.034 "And to you there came Joseph in times gone by, with Clear Signs, but ye ceased not to doubt of the (Mission) for which he had come: At length, when he died, ye said: 'No apostle will God send after him.' thus doth God leave to stray such as transgress and live in doubt,-