Yā Qawmi Lakumu Al-Mulku Al-Yawma Žāhirīna Fī Al-'Arđi Faman Yanşurunā Min Ba'si Allāhi 'In Jā'anā Qāla Fir`awnu Mā 'Urīkum 'Illā Mā 'Ará Wa Mā 'Ahdīkum 'Illā Sabīla Ar-Rashādi (Ghāfir: 29).

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040.029 "O my People! Yours is the dominion this day: Ye have the upper hand in the land: but who will help us from the Punishment of God, should it befall us?" Pharaoh said: "I but point out to you that which I see (myself); Nor do I guide you but to the Path of Right!"