Wa Qāla Rajulun Mu'uminun Min 'Āli Fir`awna Yaktumu 'Īmānahu 'Ataqtulūna Rajulāan 'An Yaqūla Rabbiya Allāhu Wa Qad Jā'akum Bil-Bayyināti Min Rabbikum Wa 'In Yaku Kādhibāan Fa`alayhi Kadhibuhu Wa 'In Yaku Şādiqāan Yuşibkum Ba`đu Al-Ladhī Ya`idukum 'Inna Allāha Lā Yahdī Man Huwa Musrifun Kadhdhābun (Ghāfir: 28).

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040.028 A believer, a man from among the people of Pharaoh, who had concealed his faith, said: "Will ye slay a man because he says, 'My Lord is God'?- when he has indeed come to you with Clear (Signs) from your Lord? and if he be a liar, on him is (the sin of) his lie: but, if he is telling the Truth, then will fall on you something of the (calamity) of which he warns you: Truly God guides not one who transgresses and lies!