Mā Ja`ala Allāhu Lirajulin Min Qalbayni Fī Jawfihi Wa Mā Ja`ala 'Azwājakumu Al-Lā'ī Tužāhirūna Minhunna 'Ummahātikum Wa Mā Ja`ala 'Ad`iyā'akum 'Abnā'akum Dhālikum Qawlukum Bi'afwāhikum Wa Allāhu Yaqūlu Al-Ĥaqqa Wa Huwa Yahdī As-Sabīla (Al-'Aĥzāb: 4).

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033.004 God has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But God tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.