Qīla Lahā Adkhulī Aş-Şarĥa Falammā Ra'at/hu Ĥasibat/hu Lujjatan Wa Kashafat `An Sāqayhā Qāla 'Innahu Şarĥun Mumarradun Min Qawārīra Qālat Rabbi 'Innī Žalamtu Nafsī Wa 'Aslamtu Ma`a Sulaymāna Lillāhi Rabbi Al-`Ālamīna (An-Naml: 44).

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027.044 She was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs. He said: "This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass." She said: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul: I do (now) submit (in Islam), with Solomon, to the Lord of the Worlds."