Allāhu Nūru As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Mathalu Nūrihi Kamishkāatin Fīhā Mişbāĥun Al-Mişbāĥu Fī Zujājatin Az-Zujājatu Ka'annahā Kawkabun Durrīyun Yūqadu Min Shajaratin Mubārakatin ZaytūniatinSharqīyatin Wa Lā Gharbīyatin Yakādu Zaytuhā Yuđī'u Wa Law Lam Tamsas/hu Nārun Nūrun `Alá Nūrin Yahdī Allāhu Linūrihi Man Yashā'u Wa Yađribu Allāhu Al-'Amthāla Lilnnāsi Wa Allāhu Bikulli Shay'in `Alīmun (An-Nūr: 35).

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024.035 God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! God doth guide whom He will to His Light: God doth set forth Parables for men: and God doth know all things.