Wa Qāla Al-Mala'u Min Qawmihi Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Wa Kadhdhabū Biliqā'i Al-'Ākhirati Wa 'Atrafnāhum Al-Ĥayāati Ad-Dunyā Mā Hādhā 'Illā Basharun Mithlukum Ya'kulu Mimmā Ta'kulūna Minhu Wa Yashrabu Mimmā Tashrabūna (Al-Mu'uminūn: 33).

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023.033 And the chiefs of his people, who disbelieved and denied the Meeting in the Hereafter, and on whom We had bestowed the good things of this life, said: "He is no more than a man like yourselves: he eats of that of which ye eat, and drinks of what ye drink.