Qul Man Kāna Fī Ađ-Đalālati Falyamdud Lahu Ar-Raĥmānu Maddāan Ĥattá 'Idhā Ra'aw Mā Yū`adūna 'Immā Al-`Adhāba Wa 'Immā As-Sā`ata Fasaya`lamūna Man Huwa Sharrun Makānāan Wa 'Ađ`afu Junan (Maryam: 75).

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019.075 Say: "If any men go astray, (God) Most Gracious extends (the rope) to them, until, when they see the warning of God (being fulfilled) - either in punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,- they will at length realise who is worst in position, and (who) weakest in forces!