Wa Yawma Nab`athu Fī Kulli 'Ummatin Shahīdāan `Alayhim Min 'Anfusihim Wa Ji'nā Bika Shahīdāan `Alá Hā'uulā' Wa Nazzalnā `Alayka Al-Kitāba Tibyānāan Likulli Shay'in Wa Hudan Wa Raĥmatan Wa Bushrá Lilmuslimīna (An-Naĥl: 89).

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016.089 One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.