Wa Huwa Al-Ladhī Sakhkhara Al-Baĥra Lita'kulū Minhu Laĥmāan Ţarīyāan Wa Tastakhrijū Minhu Ĥilyatan Talbasūnahā Wa Tará Al-Fulka Mawākhira Fīhi Wa Litabtaghū Min Fađlihi Wa La`allakum Tashkurūna (An-Naĥl: 14).

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016.014 It is He Who has made the sea subject, that ye may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that ye may extract therefrom ornaments to wear; and thou seest the ships therein that plough the waves, that ye may seek (thus) of the bounty of God and that ye may be grateful.