Lahu Da`watu Al-Ĥaqqi Wa Al-Ladhīna Yad`ūna Min Dūnihi Lā Yastajībūna Lahum Bishay'in 'Illā Kabāsiţi Kaffayhi 'Ilá Al-Mā'i Liyablugha Fāhu Wa Mā Huwa Bibālighihi Wa Mā Du`ā'u Al-Kāfirīna 'Illā Fī Đalālin (Ar-Ra`d: 14).

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013.014 For Him (alone) is prayer in Truth: any others that they call upon besides Him hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths but it reaches them not: for the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile) wandering (in the mind).