Wa Kadhalika Yajtabīka Rabbuka Wa Yu`allimuka Min Ta'wīli Al-'Aĥādīthi Wa Yutimmu Ni`matahu `Alayka Wa `Alá 'Āli Ya`qūba Kamā 'Atammahā `Alá 'Abawayka Min Qablu 'Ibrāhīma Wa 'Isĥāqa 'Inna Rabbaka `Alīmun Ĥakīmun (Yūsuf: 6).

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012.006 "Thus will thy Lord choose thee and teach thee the interpretation of stories (and events) and perfect His favour to thee and to the posterity of Jacob - even as He perfected it to thy fathers Abraham and Isaac aforetime! for God is full of knowledge and wisdom."