Wa 'Ilá Thamūda 'Akhāhum Şāliĥāan Qāla Yā Qawmi A`budū Allāha Mā Lakum Min 'Ilahin Ghayruhu Huwa 'Ansha'akum Mina Al-'Arđi Wa Asta`marakum Fīhā Fāstaghfirūhu Thumma Tūbū 'Ilayhi 'Inna Rabbī Qarībun Mujībun (Hūd: 61).

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011.061 To the Thamud People (We sent) Salih, one of their own brethren. He said: "O my people! Worship God: ye have no other god but Him. It is He Who hath produced you from the earth and settled you therein: then ask forgiveness of Him, and turn to Him (in repentance): for my Lord is (always) near, ready to answer."