Wa Man 'Ažlamu Mimmani Aftará `Alá Allāhi Kadhibāan 'Ūlā'ika Yu`rađūna `Alá Rabbihim Wa Yaqūlu Al-'Ash/hādu Hā'uulā' Al-Ladhīna Kadhabū `Alá Rabbihim 'Alā La`natu Allāhi `Alá Až-Žālimīna (Hūd: 18).

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011.018 Who doth more wrong than those who invent a life against God? They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied against their Lord! Behold! the Curse of God is on those who do wrong!-