'Idh Yughashshīkumu An-Nu`āsa 'Amanatan Minhu Wa Yunazzilu `Alaykum Mina As-Samā'i Mā'an Liyuţahhirakum Bihi Wa Yudh/hiba `Ankum Rijza Ash-Shayţāni Wa Liyarbiţa `Alá Qulūbikum Wa Yuthabbita Bihi Al-'Aqdāma (Al-'Anfāl: 11).

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008.011 Remember He covered you with a sort of drowsiness, to give you calm as from Himself, and he caused rain to descend on you from heaven, to clean you therewith, to remove from you the stain of Satan, to strengthen your hearts, and to plant your feet firmly therewith.