Qul Huwa Al-Qādiru `Alá 'An Yab`atha `Alaykum `Adhābāan Min Fawqikum 'Aw Min Taĥti 'Arjulikum 'Aw Yalbisakum Shiya`āan Wa Yudhīqa Ba`đakum Ba'sa Ba`đin Anžur Kayfa Nuşarrifu Al-'Āyāti La`allahum Yafqahūna (Al-'An`ām: 65).

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006.065 Say: "He hath power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance - each from the other." See how We explain the signs by various (symbols); that they may understand.