Wa Lā Taţrudi Al-Ladhīna Yad`ūna Rabbahum Bil-Ghadāati Wa Al-`Ashīyi Yurīdūna Wajhahu Mā `Alayka Min Ĥisābihim Min Shay'in Wa Mā Min Ĥisābika `Alayhim Min Shay'in Fataţrudahum Fatakūna Mina Až-Žālimīna (Al-'An`ām: 52).

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006.052 Send not away those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His face. In naught art thou accountable for them, and in naught are they accountable for thee, that thou shouldst turn them away, and thus be (one) of the unjust.