Yā 'Ahla Al-Kitābi Qad Jā'akum Rasūlunā Yubayyinu Lakum `Alá Fatratin Mina Ar-Rusuli 'An Taqūlū Mā Jā'anā Min Bashīrin Wa Lā Nadhīrin Faqad Jā'akum Bashīrun Wa Nadhīrun Wa Allāhu `Alá Kulli Shay'in Qadīrun (Al-Mā'idah: 19).

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005.019 O People of the Book! Now hath come unto you, making (things) clear unto you, Our Messenger, after the break in (the series of) our apostles, lest ye should say: "There came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil)": But now hath come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil). And Allah hath power over all things.