Hā'antum 'Ūlā'i Tuĥibbūnahum Wa Lā Yuĥibbūnakum Wa Tu'uminūna Bil-Kitābi Kullihi Wa 'Idhā Laqūkum Qālū 'Āmannā Wa 'Idhā Khalaw `Ađđū `Alaykumu Al-'Anāmila Mina Al-Ghayži Qul Mūtū Bighayžikum 'Inna Allāha `Alīmun Bidhāti Aş-Şudūri ('āli `Imn: 119).

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003.119 Ah! ye are those who love them, but they love you not,- though ye believe in the whole of the Book. When they meet you, they say, "We believe": But when they are alone, they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage. Say: "Perish in you rage; God knoweth well all the secrets of the heart."