Qul 'A'uunabbi'ukum Bikhayrin Min Dhālikum Lilladhīna Attaqaw `Inda Rabbihim Jannātun Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'Anhāru Khālidīna Fīhā Wa 'Azwājun Muţahharatun Wa Riđwānun Mina Allāhi Wa Allāhu Başīrun Bil-`Ibādi ('āli `Imn: 15).

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003.015 Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of God. For in God's sight are (all) His servants,-